Friday, January 28, 2022

Does business card has any relevance in today's world?

 Several people are wondering whether business cards have any relevance in today’s digitized world. In a world where people can connect through social media, why would you need a business card? It is because business cards are personal and have the most important details. All information that a business card has is vital. People can contact you and remember your business with this small marketing tool. 

Are you thinking about whether you should go with a digital business card or not? Then the answer is yes. The world is becoming digital and as the pandemic reigns on, having a digital business card is extremely helpful.

Let's see why you need a business card and why investing in a digital one is better.

The reasons….

The simplest way to share details

A business card has all your details- contact number, address, email, and more. Thus, it makes it easy for you to share your business card with a potential client with whom you want to work with and vice-versa.

It helps with creating the first impression

A business card is an extension of your brand. It shows your brand through the theme, font style, and logo you incorporate from your brand. Thus, the design of the business card along with the information makes it an essential marketing tool. A tool that can make or break your impression on clients or customers. Irrespective of your choice regarding paper or smart business card, make sure it resembles your brand and has top quality. That will ensure that it creates the needed impression on the recipient.

It is an imperative part of some culture

In many cultures, a business meeting is incomplete without sharing a business card, like in Hong Kong. If you do not share a card here after a meeting, it is considered rude, and the consequences can be you losing the client.

 A vital business tool- business card

A business card is an imperative marketing tool because it has all your details. You are giving the person a tool to check out your entire business. If your business card is professional and impressive, you will get tons of new clients and customers through it. A perfect business card shows how much you put effort into your business. So, do not avoid investing time in this tool.

 It makes your brand referable

How many times did we refer a business because we know they have the skills and share the card with a new person? Several times, right! It happens with your card too. It shows what skills or services your business provides. When the person who has it comes across someone in need of your business, they share your card with them or refer them to you. 

Why digital business cards?

  • They are cheaper as you do not need to re-print them if there is an error.
  • They are eco-friendly
  • It is easy to share them through mail, text, or social media.

How important is a business card for you? Hopefully, if you didn’t think about this before, you will now.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Efficient business card tips for photographers

Are you a photographer looking to build your brand? Then you need to work hard on your brand’s elements to make your business shine. Since you are a photographer with a creative streak, people will expect damn good business elements from you. Whether it is a website, social media platform, or your business card, they expect the best and nothing else.

In this blog, we will talk about only one business element- a business card. This small marketing tool packs a massive package and can boost your website ranking, conversions, and client list. So how can you ensure that your card is the best so that everyone who has it wants to contact you? With these tips!

Invest in a digital business card too

For many years, paper business cards have been in circulation. However, as we evolve, it becomes essential to evolve ourselves and the way we conduct business. An e-visiting card is necessary nowadays due to many reasons, like:

  • It is cheaper than a paper business card, which may appeal to small businesses.
  • It has more space, and so you can write more details in it.
  • It is eco-friendly
  • With the ongoing pandemic, it is useful as more virtual conferences, seminars, and events are happening.

Add your logo

One of the best brand elements is your logo, and you need to add it to your digital business card or a paper one. The logo is one thing that makes people recognize your business anywhere and anytime.

When designing and creating a logo, you need to make smart decisions. Do not overcomplicate the design. It should be aesthetically pleasing so that people find it attractive. Also, it should convey the message about what your brand does.

Have a QR code 

All digital business cards come with QR codes. If you do not wish to invest in a digital card, ensure that your paper business card has a QR code. 

Work on the font of your business card

Choosing the font for your business card is tricky. You do not want a font that is unreadable or weird. You can experiment with new fonts but ensure it comes across correctly. 

Also, when choosing a font, make sure you do not use more than two fonts for your card. If you have three to four fonts, it will complicate the design, which no one wants.

Only add necessary information

With a digital business card, you have more space, yet it does not mean that you include unnecessary details. As a photographer, do not forget to add a link to your website showcasing your artwork.

Style it right

You are a photographer, so mentioning what form of photos you take is essential. Maybe you can show it through an image. For instance, use a photo of pregnant women in the background, if you are a maternity photographer.

If you have a digital business card, you can share it with anyone anywhere. For paper business cards, you will have to keep stock of them everywhere you go. In any case, work on creating an impressive business card for better growth.

Friday, January 21, 2022

4 Tips for beginning your Instagram marketing journey

New to Instagram marketing? Then you need to learn the intricate details on how to get it right to see results. Instagram is a popular social media platform with over a billion monthly active users. And each of these users follows one or more businesses accounts. You can be one of them and enjoy a positive increase in your client numbers. There are many ways through which your business profit from an Instagram profile, like:

  • It creates brand awareness for your business
  • It brings more customers to your website
  • It helps you connect with your users, and more.

Now that you understand how IG can help your business out, here are a few tips to use IG for growing your business. First tip: Buy 50 Instagram followers to start strong and then work on these tips to keep getting organic likes, comments, and followers.

1. Make a business profile

The first thing to keep in mind when building an account on Instagram is to make a business profile. Having a business profile gives you access to many things, and you can also run ads on your profile. With a business profile, you can use the analytical tool of Instagram to see the reach of your post on Instagram.

2. Always use the best images

Instagram is a visual platform, and you need to honor this by sharing only the best images here. When you are using an image for your next post, make sure it is high in quality. Also, ensure that it does not pixelate on any device. Lastly, edit it if you have to make it more appealing.

Sharing so-so images will not get you the results you were hoping for. Your customer expects the best image and video content on your feed.

3. Use reels to your advantage

In the last one and half years, reels have become one of the best ways to promote your business. Reels are short videos that inform people about your business or products. You can make reels showing behind-the-scenes of product manufacturing. Or you can make reels educating people about using your product. Use trending music and audio to make the reel. It makes it intriguing for people to watch.

4. Work on writing the correct caption

Captions are an essential piece of write-up that can help the content you are putting up. Whenever you post a video or image, make sure, you attach a caption regarding it. The caption can be short or descriptive as per the requirement. However, one thing you should always put in your caption is CTA. CTA or call-to-action is a piece of content that encourages your customers to take action, like go to your website or follow your IG page or more.

Another thing about caption is that it tells the story behind the photo or video. Thus, presenting a better way for your customers to connect with your content.

Wrapping up, these are only a handful of ways to use IG for business growth. There are more things to learn if you want this strategy to be successful.

Monday, January 17, 2022

4 Rare caffiene facts you never knew

 No matter how much we deny it, we need caffeine to stay alert. Caffeine is the chemical that keeps us awake and gets us through the day. It is a mood-altering drug and most people consume caffeine either while sipping their coffee pods, tea, green tea, matcha tea, sodas, diet energy drink, & even their coffee cake.

We all consume caffeine in some form, and studies show it has positive effects on our bodies. It can make us feel happier while providing other health benefits. On the other hand, the negative effect of the same is seen on people, like heart palpitation, headache, insomnia, and more.

It made us want to know more about caffeine, and we wore our detective hats. We found some interesting facts which we are sharing with you.

Fact 1: Caffeine leaves your body after many hours

Within 45 minutes of drinking coffee, tea, and soda, your body absorbs the caffeine. However, leaving your body takes hours. The body takes a lot of time to break down caffeine and clear from our systems.

It takes around 4 hours for half of the caffeine to leave our body. The full amount may take up to eight or sometimes twelve hours. The time can also vary according to people and certain habits they have. For instance, women on birth control pills take more time to eliminate coffee than women who are not on pills. That is why your doctors always suggest you never drink coffee late at night, as it can interfere with your sleep routine.

 Fact 2: It is possible to die from an overdose of caffeine

Although this is rare, it may happen. But for this to happen, you will need to drink around 30-50 cups of coffee in a day. Thankfully, no one drinks this much coffee. However, there have been reports of people dying due to consuming 100% caffeine powder to lose weight. Such powders are pure caffeine and have high doses. It can lead to respiratory collapse and death.

Fact 3: Caffeine withdrawal happens and is real

Many recent studies show the effect of caffeine withdrawal in people terming it as a real mental condition. People who cut back on caffeine dramatically or stop drinking it may feel side effects. 

These include: headache, depressed mood, fatigue, irritable mood, and these come after 24 hours of leaving or cutting caffeine.  For some people, these side effects are too much interfering with their daily routine. It is best to cut back or leave coffee gradually over a week.

Fact 4: Caffeine is found in weird things

Now, to get a caffeine fix, you do not always have to drink coffee or tea. There are caffeine-infused water, peanut butter, gum, and more. Even soaps, shampoos, and candles have caffeine.

Some headache medicines to have it for relieving pain.

Caffeine in any form, especially coffee, doesn't lead to addiction. Yes, people depend on it, but it doesn't cause any psychologically unacceptable behavior. Thus, keep enjoying your caffeine-rich coffee or tea( just within the limit).

Sunday, January 16, 2022

5 Ideas to make your home coffee date exciting

 Date nights at home are the best and when you throw in coffee, nothing can beat that. Imagine drinking a caramel pod flavored coffee at the comfort of your home with your partner. Talking your heart out, watching a movie, reminiscing about old memories, enjoying each other’s company without any interruption. Isn't that just perfect?

Even if you have kids, you can have a perfect coffee date night at home after they sleep. Also, this date sounds incredible, especially during this time when the pandemic is on the prowl again.

The only thing that remains is determining how to make your coffee date night at home interesting? Brewing a hot cup of Nespresso compatible pod and drinking it is not enough. Make it fun, and in this blog, we are sharing some fun ideas on how you can do that.

 Tip 1: Have a coffee bar ready for you and your partner

 A fun way to have a coffee date night at home is to have a coffee bar. Something which has a lot of things, so you can try making any number of drinks. It also gives you room to experiment, which is fun to do with your partner.

You can have different syrups or pods flavors, white and dark chocolate chips, whipping cream, lots of ice for cold coffees, ice creams, sugars, graham crackers, and more. Also, have some herbs which you can use to spice up your coffee, like cinnamon or cardamom and more.

 Tip 2: Play never have I ever with a coffee shot

 Never have I ever is a game you play with alcohol. However, on your date night, play it with coffee shots. 

Brew a large mug of coffee and pour it into vodka glasses. The game is not new, and you know what to do. Just ask spicy questions related to coffee. Ensure that it becomes fun and exciting for you both.

 Tip 3: Blindfold coffee test

 You can both take turns to make something new and exciting using coffee. It can be a drink or a cake, or anything that comes to your mind. Next, blindfold your partner and make them taste it. It would be fun, intimate, and exciting as they try to guess what is in the dish.

 Tip 4: Watch a movie

 Another date night staple is to watch a movie. The only twist here is that instead of popcorn, you will enjoy a warm cup of coffee while watching the movie. Pick something romantic but not sappy. If you both like an action flick, go for it. Just ensure that you both like the movie genre you pick. You can even make a game out of the move, like sipping your cup of coffee every time a character says the word, sorry or love.

 Tip 5: Enjoy coffee under the sky

You can set up a small corner on your balcony and enjoy a coffee under the stars talking about everything and nothing.

 Enjoy your date night with coffee at home with these perfect tips.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

4 Efficient networking tips for 2022

Networking is the backbone of your professional career. It is the one thing that can help you create a lifelong relationship that may help you beyond professional needs. Unfortunately, for most people, just hearing the word networking is enough to make them nervous. They are so intimidated by the word networking that most people avoid networking events or conferences.

However, to grow your career, networking is essential. Not only does it help you find a better job, but you also learn skills that can help you become better at what you do. Thus, networking is a must, and here are a few tips to ensure your business networking is perfect.

Tip 1: Dress to impress

If you are exclusively going to an event with a dressing theme, do follow that. If you know that the goal of this event is for people to meet and network, dressing up correctly is imperative. If you are going to a conference or festival where you know that you may find networking opportunities, what do you do? There is no theme, do you wear a tux or dress or what? Well, dress professionally. If you are going to push your career forward, it is best to dress professionally and not show up at an event/conference/fest in PJs. 

Tip 2: Carry business cards with you

Always carry business cards with you. It is best to have e-business cards as sharing information and following up with prospects is easy. However, if you prefer paper business cards, ensure that you carry ample of them in your wallet. Also, have some spare ones on your card, because if you do not have enough and neither have a digital business card, it can be embarrassing. No one wants to share contact details on a napkin. Right?

Tip 3: Do not over-rehearse your elevator pitch

Elevator pitch is the introduction you give to people whom you want to network with. Preparing it and keeping it short is a smart thing to do. Also, keeping it short is necessary as you do not want to bore people with unnecessary detail.

Another thing to remember is to rehearse your elevator pitch but not overdo it. When you meet people and introduce yourself, it should be natural. If it comes out as rehearsed, no one will have an interest in networking with you.

Keep it simple, just what you do and how can it help the other person? It is the only information you need to share in your elevator pitch.

Tip 4: Keep a smile on your face

Most people are strangers to you when you go to an event. Thus, keep a smile on your face. It makes you seem like an inviting person, and people want to come and talk to you.

Wrapping up, most people are intimidated by networking. Thus, keep smiling and be prepared. Every one of you is floating in the same boat. All you have to do is exert confidence, and your networking plan will yield better results.