Sunday, January 16, 2022

5 Ideas to make your home coffee date exciting

 Date nights at home are the best and when you throw in coffee, nothing can beat that. Imagine drinking a caramel pod flavored coffee at the comfort of your home with your partner. Talking your heart out, watching a movie, reminiscing about old memories, enjoying each other’s company without any interruption. Isn't that just perfect?

Even if you have kids, you can have a perfect coffee date night at home after they sleep. Also, this date sounds incredible, especially during this time when the pandemic is on the prowl again.

The only thing that remains is determining how to make your coffee date night at home interesting? Brewing a hot cup of Nespresso compatible pod and drinking it is not enough. Make it fun, and in this blog, we are sharing some fun ideas on how you can do that.

 Tip 1: Have a coffee bar ready for you and your partner

 A fun way to have a coffee date night at home is to have a coffee bar. Something which has a lot of things, so you can try making any number of drinks. It also gives you room to experiment, which is fun to do with your partner.

You can have different syrups or pods flavors, white and dark chocolate chips, whipping cream, lots of ice for cold coffees, ice creams, sugars, graham crackers, and more. Also, have some herbs which you can use to spice up your coffee, like cinnamon or cardamom and more.

 Tip 2: Play never have I ever with a coffee shot

 Never have I ever is a game you play with alcohol. However, on your date night, play it with coffee shots. 

Brew a large mug of coffee and pour it into vodka glasses. The game is not new, and you know what to do. Just ask spicy questions related to coffee. Ensure that it becomes fun and exciting for you both.

 Tip 3: Blindfold coffee test

 You can both take turns to make something new and exciting using coffee. It can be a drink or a cake, or anything that comes to your mind. Next, blindfold your partner and make them taste it. It would be fun, intimate, and exciting as they try to guess what is in the dish.

 Tip 4: Watch a movie

 Another date night staple is to watch a movie. The only twist here is that instead of popcorn, you will enjoy a warm cup of coffee while watching the movie. Pick something romantic but not sappy. If you both like an action flick, go for it. Just ensure that you both like the movie genre you pick. You can even make a game out of the move, like sipping your cup of coffee every time a character says the word, sorry or love.

 Tip 5: Enjoy coffee under the sky

You can set up a small corner on your balcony and enjoy a coffee under the stars talking about everything and nothing.

 Enjoy your date night with coffee at home with these perfect tips.

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