Monday, January 17, 2022

4 Rare caffiene facts you never knew

 No matter how much we deny it, we need caffeine to stay alert. Caffeine is the chemical that keeps us awake and gets us through the day. It is a mood-altering drug and most people consume caffeine either while sipping their coffee pods, tea, green tea, matcha tea, sodas, diet energy drink, & even their coffee cake.

We all consume caffeine in some form, and studies show it has positive effects on our bodies. It can make us feel happier while providing other health benefits. On the other hand, the negative effect of the same is seen on people, like heart palpitation, headache, insomnia, and more.

It made us want to know more about caffeine, and we wore our detective hats. We found some interesting facts which we are sharing with you.

Fact 1: Caffeine leaves your body after many hours

Within 45 minutes of drinking coffee, tea, and soda, your body absorbs the caffeine. However, leaving your body takes hours. The body takes a lot of time to break down caffeine and clear from our systems.

It takes around 4 hours for half of the caffeine to leave our body. The full amount may take up to eight or sometimes twelve hours. The time can also vary according to people and certain habits they have. For instance, women on birth control pills take more time to eliminate coffee than women who are not on pills. That is why your doctors always suggest you never drink coffee late at night, as it can interfere with your sleep routine.

 Fact 2: It is possible to die from an overdose of caffeine

Although this is rare, it may happen. But for this to happen, you will need to drink around 30-50 cups of coffee in a day. Thankfully, no one drinks this much coffee. However, there have been reports of people dying due to consuming 100% caffeine powder to lose weight. Such powders are pure caffeine and have high doses. It can lead to respiratory collapse and death.

Fact 3: Caffeine withdrawal happens and is real

Many recent studies show the effect of caffeine withdrawal in people terming it as a real mental condition. People who cut back on caffeine dramatically or stop drinking it may feel side effects. 

These include: headache, depressed mood, fatigue, irritable mood, and these come after 24 hours of leaving or cutting caffeine.  For some people, these side effects are too much interfering with their daily routine. It is best to cut back or leave coffee gradually over a week.

Fact 4: Caffeine is found in weird things

Now, to get a caffeine fix, you do not always have to drink coffee or tea. There are caffeine-infused water, peanut butter, gum, and more. Even soaps, shampoos, and candles have caffeine.

Some headache medicines to have it for relieving pain.

Caffeine in any form, especially coffee, doesn't lead to addiction. Yes, people depend on it, but it doesn't cause any psychologically unacceptable behavior. Thus, keep enjoying your caffeine-rich coffee or tea( just within the limit).

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