Wednesday, June 9, 2021

4 tips to throw a house-warming party on budget

 Congratulations on buying a new house! It is an incredible achievement, and the joy you feel after buying a house that you can home is unmatchable. When you finally move to your new home, everyone expects a housewarming party. And even you would like to have one along with a Griha Pravesh ceremony with full rituals (every culture has one).

However, it is challenging to pull off a housewarming party and Griha Pravesh ritual at the same time as moving into your house. The expense of moving along with the expenditure of the new house can limit your spending capabilities.

Still, not having a party or puja when moving to a new house is the best thing. So, how can you throw a house-warming party in the budget? Here are a few tips for you to follow.

1.  Write a budget

If you have decided that you will throw a house party, immediately set up a budget. If you wait till the last moment or start buying things without a budget, you will undoubtedly go overboard.

Therefore, sit down and do all the calculations. Keep in mind your finances and that you still need to set up the newly bought house.


2.  Make a guest-list

After setting the budget, you need to start making a guest list. Now, inviting every friend or family member is something you will want to do, but you need to check your budget. Therefore, you have options to either have a housewarming party with close friends and family members now and invite rest later.

Or you can keep it local and have a separate party for out-of-town family or friends later. Time to sit down again and set up a guest list. Keep editing it until you are satisfied with the results.


3.   Send e-invite

Another tip to have a party in the budget is to send an e-invite. Surely, calling the guest is an incredible way to invite them, yet the occasion calls for a formal invitation. However, you don’t need to go the paper card route for your Griha Pravesh party. An e-invite is the perfect way to invite someone over text or email.

Make sure you choose an appealing theme and write every detail diligently. Moreover, you can even make a video for the same.


4.   Keep the food minimal but fun

Again, you can do it two ways: have a proper lunch or do a snack and dessert party. The latter will require a different time. For instance, 3-5 or 4-6 pm, which is not usually dinner time for people, is perfect. It will be less costly and you can even bake some cakes or cookies on your own if you have the time.

If you want a proper lunch party, which is necessary sometimes if you are also having a pooja, order food from a restaurant and have a buffet. It will be cheaper than catering as caterers usually charge a high amount for a small gathering.

Start the new journey with positivity and celebrate this milestone with family & friends without going broke with these tips.

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