Monday, June 14, 2021

3 tips on getting the most out of your business cards

Business cards are an effective marketing tool. Not only are they cost-effective, but they are time-honored and compact too. When it comes to business cards, there are two options nowadays- paper business cards and digital business cards.

Both have their pros and cons. However, digital business cards are on the rise. It is because they are:

  • Eco-friendly: You do not need to cut down trees to create digital business cards.
  • Pocket-friendly: Paper business cards need to use quality material for making an impact, which isn't cheap. A digital card does not require all this. It uses appealing themes or templates that are either free or have a nominal charge. Also, you do not need to re-print a digital card to edit or delete something, which saves a lot of money.
  • Easy to share: You can share a smart business card via mail or text. No need to touch anyone or meet anyone in person to do so.
  • Easy to edit: To edit a digital business card, all you need to do is go on the website and make the relevant changes. To edit anything on a paper card, you have to reprint it, making it costly.

These advantages make a digital business card a necessity. Gradually, they will take over print cards. As of now, print cards are still in circulation as well and have their advantages.

How to get the most out of your business cards?

1.   Attach digital card with relevant mails

If you make a new contact on LinkedIn or any other forums and send them a follow-up mail, attach your digital card with it. Including your smart business card along with the mail will ensure that the prospect can check out your business and relevant links. It will aid him in making the right decision, and remember to keep your business in mind, shall the need arise.

Do not include the business card with every mail you send out. Only if the prospect is someone who you wish to do business with, then send it.


2.   Keep a small stash of print cards everywhere

If your business has a paper card, remember to carry it everywhere. It doesn’t matter whether you are going for a professional event or a personal one; have it with you. Keep a small stash in your wallet, some in-car, others at your office desk, and so on.

When you have them right in front of you, you can share them for networking. Though, if you invest in a digital card, you will not have to worry about keeping a stash of the cards with you always.


3.  Attach the card with any material you send out

You send a digital card along with any mail or document you send to prospects. Don't you?  Do the same with your paper card. Include it with a pamphlet or any supplies that you are posting to a client or customer.

The business is the best marketing tool, especially for small businesses & startups, irrespective of whether you use a paper or digital one. The point is to have one to grow your business.


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