Monday, March 15, 2021

4 latte recipes you must try ASAP

 Are you an espresso drinker or latte lover? Or do you come in the category of coffee lovers who can drink and like all types of coffees? If you come in the latter two categories, stick around. Lattes are a perfect coffee drink. It uses coffee and milk in perfect balance and is ideal for both summers or winters. Warm latte drinks are the best. However, you can make cold lattes as well and enjoy hot summer afternoons.

Here are 4 latte recipes that you can make at home.

1. Regular latte

This latte is warm and cozy, and it doesn’t have any extra flavorings. The only ingredients in this latte are sugar, espresso, and milk. To make this:

  • Just brew a strong coffee or espresso coffee pod. The ratio of coffee is 1/3rd cup for a latte.

  • Use 2/3rd cup of milk and steam it. Use a frother to thicken the milk.

  • Now, in a cup, add the espresso, and pour frothed milk slowly in it.

  • Add a bit of foam on top of the coffee, and enjoy your warm latte.


2. Chocolate and caramel latte


A latte with a hint of chocolate is heavenly. It is a perfect drink for winters and even summers. Here is how you can make this:

  • Caramel flavored pod-1

  • Milk- 20 oz or as per your liking

  • Chocolate syrup (optional)

  • Ground chocolate-1 tbsp

  • Cocoa-1 tbsp

To make this:

  • Get your Nespresso machine out and brew a strong cup of caramel coffee

  • Mix milk with cocoa powder and put it in a frother.

  • It is optional to put chocolate syrup in the mug. But it does enhance the taste. After you put it in the cup, fill the cup with 2/3rd of frothed milk.

  • Now add the brewed coffee and stir it well. Add a bit of foam on top and enjoy this.

  • Since it is caramel coffee, use little sugar. Or you can skip it altogether and add stevia while frothing the milk.


3. Mocha latte

When you add chocolate to your coffee, it notoriously enhances the taste. A mocha latte is quite addictive, and you need to try it ASAP.

To make this:

  • Espresso or strong coffee- 1/3rd cup

  • Milk- 2/3rd cup

  • Maple syrup or stevia

  • Cocoa powder- 2tbsp

  • Vanilla extract


  • In a saucepan, steamer, or frother, put the milk, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and maple syrup or stevia. Let it come to a boil. Keep stirring it on medium heat. You can also use soy or unsweetened almond milk in it.

  • Now, in a cup, pour the coffee and steamed mocha mix in it.

  • You can add whipped cream on the top. For a healthier version, use coconut milk or regular to make a foam and add it on top of your mocha latte.


4. Lavender latte

An aromatic latte that is amazing for after meals. You can make this healthy as well by using stevia and low-fat milk.

You need:

  • Dried lavender flowers.

  • Milk

  • Pod coffee

  • Vanilla essence

  • Stevia or sugar

  • Water


  • In a saucepan, put some water and dried lavender flowers. Add stevia or sugar and make a syrup out of it.

  • Now, brew the coffee and froth the milk.

  • In a cup, add coffee, lavender syrup, and frothed milk.

Which of these recipes do you love? Try them, and comment on your favorite latte.

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