There has been a huge shift in the business world as interactions are shifting from personal meetings to virtual meet-ups. Before there were wine tasting or conferences where businessmen could meet each other and network to make new contacts. With the pandemic, virtual events or meetings are a better option.
Now the question is what kind of events you can conduct virtually and how can you network while doing such events. Here is a list of possibilities for every business to explore.
1. Audio-only discussions
Audio-only discussions are an excellent way to conduct a virtual event. And at the same time do a bit of networking. You can host an event where you can invite a few keynote speakers on different days. This is an excellent opportunity to have an event and meet new people at the same time.
How do you network with the new contacts you make? Through a digital business card. When you meet a business partner or anyone with the same interest as yours, share your digital business card. You can do this via text or mail. Also, remember to follow up with an email.
2. Virtual dinner party
Formal dinner parties were such an essential part of a business set-up. They are not just for enjoying meals with your business partner or prospects. It is an opportunity for you to talk about interests, work, and similar hobbies. It is a perfect setting for conducting business with pleasure.
With the pandemic, the virtual business party is something that you should think of. You all will be eating at your place, but still, it is an excellent way to have a meal together and discuss work and hobbies that can help you create a bond.
Another advantage of a virtual dinner party is that you do not have to worry about any logistics. No deciding venue or doing seat or parking planning.
3. Virtual cocktail hour
Having cocktail parties is one of the best ways business-men meet other prospects to discuss work or meetings. You can still have a cocktail event; it will just be a virtual event. That is fun as looking at the screen will be a bit fun with a glass of wine in your hands. Set up a registry system and be aware of the number of people joining the event and their preferences.
After you know these details, send every attendee a wine bottle or champagne or something on a similar note. It will encourage them to join the event and be active participants.
4. Corporate virtual wine tasting event
Set up a basket with wine with proper food pairings and send them all business associates- new and old. Then send each of them a virtual conference invite and hold a wine tasting ceremony. Between tasting wine, you can introduce yourself and talk shop. Schedule the event in breaks so that no one has any problem fitting your wine tasting event with their work.
What are some of the events that you think will be great virtually while providing a networking opportunity?
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