Monday, March 29, 2021

5 blog commenting tips to get more blogs

 Blog comments have multiple benefits. They ensure that your brand gets recognition, are part of the SEO marketing techniques, and helps with link building as well. Blog commenting services for any business are helpful, though we often struggle with getting genuine and authentic comments on our blog.

If you are looking for ways to increase comments on your blog, here are few ways that you can try.

1. Write comments on other blogs

If you want more comments on your blog, you need to start leaving comments on other well-established blogs as well. When you reach out and do networking by commenting on other blogs, it builds a relationship. Write a comment that adds value to the topic itself. It can be a short or a long comment, but it needs to be meaningful. Tips for writing a valuable comment are:

Try to read the entire peace before writing a comment.

Never repeat what the post is already covering in the comment. Ask a question or add other details that are new to the comment

2. Provide incentives for writing a comment

Few people would automatically write a comment when they see a great post. Others not so much. They need encouragement to leave a thoughtful comment. Here are few ideas that provide an incentive for people to write comments on your blog.

Write a guest blog for best commentators: If few bloggers comment frequently on your blog, encourage them to do it always by offering to write a guest blog for them if they continue to comment for them.

Ask them to submit guest posts: Writing guest posts can unquestionably build your brand, and every blogger will grab at this chance. Let everyone know that you will accept guest posts from people who leave the best and meaningful comments on your blog.

Giveaway: If you have any product or premium services, offer to give it for free to top commentators.

3. Dofollow

You can increase comments on your blog by adding a dofollow Luv comment tag on your blog. It is an impactful method to get quality and superior backlinks to your site.

SEO linkers write comments on the dofollow blog and if you are using this technique, let your followers know about it.

4. Have a comment notification email system in place

Your blog should have the facility to subscribe to blog comments with the help of email. It is imperative as it keeps the readers notified about the new comments coming on their comment. It ensures that you can promptly reply to the remark that comes and follow up on it immediately.

5. Use social media to bring in more readers and comments

Whatever social media use, make a few groups on it. Then promote your blog post on those groups. Also, ask people to comment on those blogs. It can increase traffic to your site and comments as well.

Try these tips and the comments on your blog will increase. Be genuine with your blog commenting services and you will yield positive results for it soon.

5 methods to make your business stand apart

 How many of you go back to the same brand again and again? Half of you will say yes and half no. That means that half of your target audience (around 58%) is looking at your competitor. So, staying relevant in your business and acquiring more customers while retaining older ones is quite essential.

How do you do that? By standing out in your marketing strategies and making your product appealing to your clients and customers.

Here are few ways to stand apart with your product without investing too many dollars in it.

Method 1: Have a digital business card

A business card is not an obsolete method of marketing. A well-designed business card can help you get more customers. The only obsolete thing here is to use a paper business card. A print card does not affect people as it mostly ends up in the trash.

A digital business card, however, is perfect for your small business to stand apart. Also, it is affordable as you do not need to keep reprinting it if you want to update it or correct a mistake. Lastly, it is convenient to share and eco-friendly.

Method 2: Impeccable customer service

If a customer has a bad experience with a brand, they will not go back to that brand again. Therefore, you need to work on making your customer service impeccable. Train your employees well to handle all customers in every situation.

Customer service also includes replying to all comments, whether negative or positive, as other clients consider these reviews when looking for a new brand. Work on making your customer service the best in the market, and you will enjoy great success.

Method 3: Make your business sustainable

It pays to make your business sustainable as giving back to society or the environment is necessary. Also, a customer is willing to work more with a brand that offers them a sustainable product or a service beneficial to society.

Try to look for a cause that fits the brand and work for it. Also, you can make your product or material sustainable, just like using a digital business card makes you environmentally responsible.

Method 4: Use video marketing

Video marketing works, and currently, you do not have to pay for it. Use YouTube for marketing your business. Video appeals to customers, and you can also work with YouTubers to promote your business. Again, making a channel on YouTube for your business can work in your favor. Just be innovative with your content and authentic as well.

Method 5: Have a loyalty program

Retaining old customers is just as vital as bringing in new customers. Rewarding your customers is an excellent way to retain them. A loyalty program or discount can attract your customers to your brand.

These methods are innovative and affordable. The only thing they require is hard-work and an innovative stance to stand apart from your competitor and increase your sales.



Monday, March 15, 2021

Digital business card: Things to add in your card

 Digital or electronic business cards are the need for the current times we live in. It is a faster and quicker way to share your details with a business partner or prospects, or customers. There are tons of benefits of investing in a digital business card, like:

  • It makes following up seamless: When sharing a digital business card, people have your details and do not toss the card away. It makes following up with the people also easy because they can check your details using the digital business card.

  • It is affordable: When you invest in a digital business card, it is a one-time investment. You do not have to pay again and again to reprint the card. Therefore, it aids you in saving tons of marketing money, which you can use for other areas to help your business succeed.

  • It is contactless and easy to share: With online and virtual meetings becoming a norm, you must have a marketing tool that is easy to share. A digital business card is one of the best tools. It can share it with anyone with ease and fast. It requires just a click, and the recipient gets your card. Also, it is contactless, so even if you meet someone face-to-face, you do not have to worry about making cards with you or using a card touched by others in the current times.

Now, let’s look at the things you can add to a digital business card:


Mandatory details


Here are the details that you should add to your digital business card no matter what

  • Name: Use a professional name. It can be just your first name or last name or any other prefix you would like to add to your card.

  • Company name: Write the name of the company you currently work with. If you are not working, write the name and title of your previous company, by writing @formerly. Or you can also leave the space blank.

  • Contact details: Do add contact information that you would like people to contact you through, like an email address or phone number or website, or more.

  • Logo: Your company’s logo is a vital detail to add to the card. It allows people to recognize your brand easily.

  • Headshot: Use a professional image of yourself and add it to the card. That will allow people to connect with you better.

  • Social media links: We all are becoming too dependent on social media for marketing and otherwise. You must add a link to the same on your card. Add a link to your YouTube channel if you have one or if you are an influencer, you should add a link to Instagram or more. You must link to your LinkedIn account so that you can connect with your peers.

Optional details to add

  • E-wallet id: As online payments are becoming essential, add payment information to your card.

  • Skype id: Virtual meetings are part of the current world. So, adding the id of skype or zoom can be part of your card as well.


Is there something else you think that you need to add to your card? Comment below.


4 latte recipes you must try ASAP

 Are you an espresso drinker or latte lover? Or do you come in the category of coffee lovers who can drink and like all types of coffees? If you come in the latter two categories, stick around. Lattes are a perfect coffee drink. It uses coffee and milk in perfect balance and is ideal for both summers or winters. Warm latte drinks are the best. However, you can make cold lattes as well and enjoy hot summer afternoons.

Here are 4 latte recipes that you can make at home.

1. Regular latte

This latte is warm and cozy, and it doesn’t have any extra flavorings. The only ingredients in this latte are sugar, espresso, and milk. To make this:

  • Just brew a strong coffee or espresso coffee pod. The ratio of coffee is 1/3rd cup for a latte.

  • Use 2/3rd cup of milk and steam it. Use a frother to thicken the milk.

  • Now, in a cup, add the espresso, and pour frothed milk slowly in it.

  • Add a bit of foam on top of the coffee, and enjoy your warm latte.


2. Chocolate and caramel latte


A latte with a hint of chocolate is heavenly. It is a perfect drink for winters and even summers. Here is how you can make this:

  • Caramel flavored pod-1

  • Milk- 20 oz or as per your liking

  • Chocolate syrup (optional)

  • Ground chocolate-1 tbsp

  • Cocoa-1 tbsp

To make this:

  • Get your Nespresso machine out and brew a strong cup of caramel coffee

  • Mix milk with cocoa powder and put it in a frother.

  • It is optional to put chocolate syrup in the mug. But it does enhance the taste. After you put it in the cup, fill the cup with 2/3rd of frothed milk.

  • Now add the brewed coffee and stir it well. Add a bit of foam on top and enjoy this.

  • Since it is caramel coffee, use little sugar. Or you can skip it altogether and add stevia while frothing the milk.


3. Mocha latte

When you add chocolate to your coffee, it notoriously enhances the taste. A mocha latte is quite addictive, and you need to try it ASAP.

To make this:

  • Espresso or strong coffee- 1/3rd cup

  • Milk- 2/3rd cup

  • Maple syrup or stevia

  • Cocoa powder- 2tbsp

  • Vanilla extract


  • In a saucepan, steamer, or frother, put the milk, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and maple syrup or stevia. Let it come to a boil. Keep stirring it on medium heat. You can also use soy or unsweetened almond milk in it.

  • Now, in a cup, pour the coffee and steamed mocha mix in it.

  • You can add whipped cream on the top. For a healthier version, use coconut milk or regular to make a foam and add it on top of your mocha latte.


4. Lavender latte

An aromatic latte that is amazing for after meals. You can make this healthy as well by using stevia and low-fat milk.

You need:

  • Dried lavender flowers.

  • Milk

  • Pod coffee

  • Vanilla essence

  • Stevia or sugar

  • Water


  • In a saucepan, put some water and dried lavender flowers. Add stevia or sugar and make a syrup out of it.

  • Now, brew the coffee and froth the milk.

  • In a cup, add coffee, lavender syrup, and frothed milk.

Which of these recipes do you love? Try them, and comment on your favorite latte.

4 virtual business event for the pandemic-stricken world

 There has been a huge shift in the business world as interactions are shifting from personal meetings to virtual meet-ups. Before there were wine tasting or conferences where businessmen could meet each other and network to make new contacts. With the pandemic, virtual events or meetings are a better option.

Now the question is what kind of events you can conduct virtually and how can you network while doing such events. Here is a list of possibilities for every business to explore.

1. Audio-only discussions

Audio-only discussions are an excellent way to conduct a virtual event. And at the same time do a bit of networking. You can host an event where you can invite a few keynote speakers on different days. This is an excellent opportunity to have an event and meet new people at the same time.

How do you network with the new contacts you make? Through a digital business card. When you meet a business partner or anyone with the same interest as yours, share your digital business card. You can do this via text or mail. Also, remember to follow up with an email.

2. Virtual dinner party

Formal dinner parties were such an essential part of a business set-up. They are not just for enjoying meals with your business partner or prospects. It is an opportunity for you to talk about interests, work, and similar hobbies. It is a perfect setting for conducting business with pleasure.

With the pandemic, the virtual business party is something that you should think of. You all will be eating at your place, but still, it is an excellent way to have a meal together and discuss work and hobbies that can help you create a bond.

Another advantage of a virtual dinner party is that you do not have to worry about any logistics. No deciding venue or doing seat or parking planning.

3. Virtual cocktail hour

Having cocktail parties is one of the best ways business-men meet other prospects to discuss work or meetings. You can still have a cocktail event; it will just be a virtual event. That is fun as looking at the screen will be a bit fun with a glass of wine in your hands. Set up a registry system and be aware of the number of people joining the event and their preferences.

After you know these details, send every attendee a wine bottle or champagne or something on a similar note. It will encourage them to join the event and be active participants.

4. Corporate virtual wine tasting event

Set up a basket with wine with proper food pairings and send them all business associates- new and old. Then send each of them a virtual conference invite and hold a wine tasting ceremony. Between tasting wine, you can introduce yourself and talk shop. Schedule the event in breaks so that no one has any problem fitting your wine tasting event with their work.

What are some of the events that you think will be great virtually while providing a networking opportunity?


4 best vegan milk for coffee


Climate change is happening globally and not for the better. We all are aware of the negative impact that animal products like milk, or cheese, or yogurt can impact the environment as it one of the principal sources of greenhouse gases. Thus, we have two options- either limiting our intake of dairy products or switching to vegan alternatives like oats or almond milk.

They are perfect for putting in your Nespresso pod coffee. If you have a pod that is high in intensity, vegan milk is perfect for it. Buy coffee pods online and try them with vegan-based milk.

There are numerous benefits of using vegan milk. Though, we all have reservations about the taste and nutrients that non-dairy-milk can provide. In this blog, we will discuss all this and the best vegan milk for your coffee, cereals, and more.

Is vegan milk nutritious?

Cow milk unquestionably has more nutrients, like 9 grams of proteins & vitamin D and C. Non-dairy milk provides nutrition though they are less in quantity. The benefits however for the environment and towards animals is huge. Also, vegan milk is related to weight-loss, so do give it a try.

The best vegan milk for your coffee

Here is the best vegan milk according to their taste and nutrients to try in your coffee.

1. Oat milk

When it comes to using vegan milk for coffee, oats are the best option for you. It is creamy and has numerous benefits as oats are rich in fiber. Oat’s milk is a combination of oats, water, and oil (canola or rapeseed) for emulsification.

It is rich in protein as well and provides rich milk that you can add to your coffee. Its taste is similar to full-fat milk. Thus, it tastes quite well in coffee. Lastly, the foam it produces is quite nice for a latte.

2. Soy milk

Soy milk is the most popular vegan that barista and vegans use in their milk. One downside of this milk is that it can curdle. Though, use warm soy milk in your mug and then try adding coffee to it.

It is quite creamy in taste, and its texture is nice enough for a barista for making foam in your coffee.

3. Rice milk

Rice milk is perfect for people who are allergic to soy and other nuts. Rice milk is neutral in its taste. Therefore, it allows the rich taste of coffee to come through. However, due to its thin texture and has less protein, it doesn’t allow for any foam in your coffee.

4. Pea milk

Pea milk uses yellow peas protein. Thus, it will not be of green color. It is also rich in protein and potassium. It doesn’t taste like pea or vegetables and is perfect for lattes or cappuccino. It is silky in texture, and since it has a high protein quantity, it is excellent for creating foam in coffee.

Whether you are switching to vegan milk due to dietary reservation or because of climate changes. The above blog will help you in determining which vegan-milk is perfect for you.