Business cards have been part of creating a business identity since long. It is a small card with information about the business or the individual, but it has immense importance. It is the first contact between you and the prospective client. Thus, you must invest time and efforts in creating one.
Unfortunately, there is tons of misinformation surrounding a business card. These can guide towards a wrong direction which can lead to a client throwing your business card in the trash.
If you want to use the full potential of a business card, here are a few myths about a business card you should not believe.
1. Digital business card is a waste of time
One rumour which has no base is this. A smart business or chip business card is certainly not a waste of time. With everything getting digitized, it makes sense to make the business card digital too, especially in times of a pandemic when people are afraid of touching anything.
A digital card is cheap when it comes to manufacturing cost, and you do not have to re-print it if you make a few printing mistakes. Also, it is easy to share a digital business card, and there is no compromise with the data. Lastly, it is eco-friendly, so if your business is trying to switch towards better things for the environment, this one switch is easy to make.
2. Less is more
Definitely, but not when it comes to creating a good business card. If by less is more you think, you can ignore writing a few crucial details, then you are wrong, and this misinformation can lead you to doom. Make sure that before you go with less is more, you have included every crucial detail in your card. From the name of the company to your designation, logo, contact details, and social media links, everything should be in it because all of these details are important. When you invest in a digital business card, you get more space, and you also can include a clickable link to a video or website.
Moreover, if you take a small font because it looks less, then keep in mind that it is not too little that people have to squint or press the card closer to their eyes to see it. The same goes for a smart card; the font size should be readable from a distance.
3. You can pick any size for your business card
Another misinformation that will lead to the client discarding your card. Whether you opt for a digital or paper business card, do remember to check the standard size. It may be different from region to region or from industry to industry. But do your research. You do not want to be stuck with a card which is either too small or too big.
4. Make the font stand out
Ah! The goal is to make the details stand out, and not the font. If you think like this, you may end up using a font that looks quite weird on the card. Make sure it compliments the paper or the theme you are going for and should resonate with your business.
Keep these tips in mind and make sure you share your card with the person who wants it and also at the right time.
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