Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Latest trends in web management

The technology is changing by the day as new trends are being invented. Web development has also seen drastic changes in this digital age. Companies are struggling to keep a balance between these changes and customer demands. A proper web management strategy is the need of the hour for companies to prepare for the future. To remain relevant in the industry you should know the important web development trends needed for 2020. We have compiled some of these trends for you in this article.

Modular design

Modular design is a piece by piece development method for building a website or a web page. It allows developers to reuse modules and elements to create a new web page. You can create your website template instead of using the older themes. Content blocks created in modular design improve website visuals. Modular design is a cheaper and flexible option for website development.

Responsive design

The increase in the use of smart devices has questioned traditional web development practices. As per the data shown by Statista, 50.3% of the website traffic happened on a smartphone instead of a computer. This calls for the development of a responsive and dynamic site, where the content setup is the same for mobiles and desktops. Once a website is developed keeping its responsiveness in mind, it can seamlessly open in different devices without major changes.

Archiving tools

Data protection is equally important for a company’s integrity and reputation. Some of the industries have data archiving guidelines set up by regulatory authorities. These rules and regulations should be followed to avoid unwanted fines and lawsuits. Archiving the data not only helps you in protecting it but also extracting insights for decision making. With archiving in place you can even use the historic records to counter any false lawsuit. Third-party tools like Stillio can be integrated into the website so that the archival process is set in place early on during web development.

API-first design

The innovation in the digital domain has led to the development of APIs for each application. Since every device is connected to the internet, it becomes more important to develop a website based on API-first design. Including this integration into your website will make its usage convenient for your customers. Make sure that your front-end and back-end developers work in sync to incorporate APIs into your website.

Cybersecurity and AI

Website compromises and breaches happen all the time. Thus, it is important to safeguard the data and customer information from leaking into the hands of hackers. A lot of economic loss can happen to both your business and customer. Artificial systems are being developed to detect such hacking attacks. AI is the future of cybersecurity and hence should be part of web development.

Web management is an important factor contributing to a successful business. Having all these features incorporated in your website will make your website robust and safe. This will help you in building trust with your clients. Eventually, your business will generate more revenue.

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