Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Blog Commenting mistakes you need to avoid

If you are thinking of starting blog commenting on the blogs to gain backlinks, I think you should re-think as blog commenting should be done right or not done at all, there is nowhere in-between. Writing a perfect blog comment is as important as writing good content on your website.

Blog commenting is the easiest way to gain backlinks for the sites. And it is proved to be effective too. Blog commenting makes a relationship between the blogger and the reader. So it’s better to write out with your whole heart when writing blog comments.

There are some classic mistakes that have been made by people for years. Here, is the list:

Not using full name while commenting 

It is important to introduce yourself to people when you first meet them so why not apply this rule while writing blog comments. When doing blog comments you should write your full name. Writing your full name in the comments will make you look real. It makes bloggers excited to read comments from real people.

Using Fake emails while commenting

Many bloggers use email verification tools to know that people commenting on their blogs are verified or not. Bloggers usually don’t allow the comments from fake email ids or emails which are now not working. So always use email which is active and real. If possible use a Gravatar registered email id for blog commenting.

Irrelevant Comments:

Commenting should be done on the blog which is similar to your niche and blog comment must be very relevant to the blog. Writing the same blog comment on every blog will make you look spammy and the blogger may remove your comment if they found it irrelevant to their blog.

Using the keyword in the name section

Using a keyword in the name section will make your comment look promotional and spammy. Most of the bloggers don’t allow these kinds of promotional comments on their blogs. Comments with genuine names and profile pictures look real and are most likely to get backlinks from blog commenting.

Asking questions instead of contributing

You should never feel shy to ask questions to the bloggers if you are a beginner. Giving recommendations to the bloggers may get you in the wrong situation if you don’t have proper knowledge of the topic.

Unless you are an expert on the topic, you should not start giving advice to the blogger as he/she may not like it.

Don’t write a spam comment

Writing a comment and inserting the links in the comments makes the comment look spammy. Try to personalize your comment so that you can make it look real.

Don’t let your comment look like it is an automated comment which is posted by robots.

Blog commenting is a way to bring visitors to blogs and can improve the complete SEO. Try to write a comment of great value by personalizing it and keeping comments relevant to the topic. This will help you in driving more readers to the blog.

Hope this article will help you in writing better blog comments.

Comment below the most common blog commenting mistakes done by you?

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