Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Effective tips if you are prone to allergies

Allergies are not fun, and now they are not even seasonal. Some people are prone to allergies year-round and that is not fun at all. You can have a coughing fit or a sneezing round at any given time because pollution, pollens, and other particles that trigger your allergy are present always.

While medication, nasal steroids, inhaler, and steam can help with allergies, you can also use some simple tips to live with allergies with ease.

In this blog, we will explore some simple tips that can be effective in allergies and help you live normally.

Use a face mask

If you get seasonal allergies; pollen, roots, and grass trigger your symptoms, it is best to wear a mask. It might feel weird, but when you don’t let particles and pollen get into your nose or eyes, your allergies won’t act up.

It can save you from a long course of sneezing, wheezing, and coughing.

Decrease your level of stress

Many allergists believe that if your stress levels increase, it increases your chances of allergies. When you perform a stressful task, your levels of cortisol increase which can worsen your allergies.

So, don’t take stress or try to alleviate it using a bubble bath or by meditating.

Take care of your hygiene

If you live in a city that has too much pollution, or you love gardening, and so on, you need to take care of your hygiene too. It is best to wear a mask as we discussed above. Also, wash your hands before you touch your eyes, ears, or nose.

If you are gardening, don’t let it get into your nose or hair. To clean your hair, you can wash them in the night just before sleeping so that all dust and particles can leave it.

To keep your nose clean, you can have a saline drop which is herbal as it won’t addict you to it.

Pet dander control is important

Pet dander is a common allergen. If you are around a pet which makes you sneeze or cough vigorously, it is because of pet dander. It can happen due to the animal’s saliva, urine, or dead skin flakes. Now, if you don’t have a pet, it will be fine as long you stay away from your friend’s pet. But if you love pets, and want one, take these measures:

  • Train the pet to not sit in your furniture
  • Have the pet groomed and brushed daily
  • Have a friend or family member give bath to your pet weekly
  • Don't sleep with your pet
  • Also, have someone, maybe your partner who is not allergic, comb your pet daily and do it outside so that the hair is not in your way.
  • Purchase a pet dander air purifier

Have a doctor

Most people can deal with their allergies on their own, especially if they are seasonal. But if you have year-round allergies, seek information and help from a doctor. They can prescribe you medicines that you can take when your symptoms get worse.

Don’t take allergies lightly, they can make life difficult sometimes. Also, in the comments below, tell us how you manage your allergies?

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