Wednesday, March 16, 2022

5 Ways to reduce paper consumption in offices

 As a business owner, you will agree that sometimes the paper consumption in your office is too much. Even if you recycle paper, sometimes you end up using too much than necessary. Isn’t it? Well, it's time that you start taking more serious steps to reduce your use of paper to save trees and money as well. How? We will find out below through some simple tips.

Think twice before printing anything

Are you sure you need to print that document? Are you double sure? No, then do so! Unless you are sure that a document requires a paper trail, do not print that document. Use its digital version. And if the circumstances require you to print a paper, do it on both sides. It will fulfill your purpose while also reducing the use of paper.

Go with a digital business card

A business card is necessary for all businesses irrespective of their size, nature, and whether it's an online firm or offline. It is the first form of contact between you and your clients/audience. It gives them every detail they require to continue dealing with your business. For ages, people have been using paper business cards to share their details. It is an integral part of their day-to-day business handling. However, in recent times, using an e-business card is also an option.

When you use a digital business card, you get tons of advantages. 

  • It saves paper, which is good for the planet.
  • Moreover, a business requires tons of paper business cards, which are not cheap. If you want an impressive card, you need a good design, template, font, material, and more. That can cost a lot! 
  • Furthermore, if you want to change any information or rectify a mistake in the card, reprinting it is necessary, which again is expensive. You never face these problems with a digital business card, and it is also the new way to be in touch.

Tracking printing footprint can help

You can have a system that tracks the personal footprint regarding the printing of each employee. It will encourage them to reduce the use of paper where it is not needed. Moreover, running challenges and rewards for using the least amount of paper for any reason can also help employees take care of their paper footprint.

Be efficient in using paper

With simple steps, you can use paper efficiently and reduce overuse. These steps include:

The printer should have a double print option as default. Unless critical, never choose single side print

Tweak the settings of the printer to ensure the paper can accommodate more words per paper

Reduce margins

Reduce unwanted mails

Often, businesses get unwanted mail at their physical office from other businesses. Have a look and ask the sender to stop sending the same to you in the future.

To wrap up, you cannot forgo the use of paper altogether. However, unless it's necessary, use digital ways to share receipts, documents, business cards, and more. Soon, you will see how it makes a ton of difference for your business and the environment.

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