Tuesday, December 7, 2021

5 Best tips that will help you start writing

For a person who loves writing, there can be times when starting the writing process becomes challenging. Then, some people are starting their journey of writing. Maybe their work demands them to be a writer. Or they decided to share their story with other people.

In both cases, getting the first word on paper is challenging. It can even be frustrating. If you feel the same, here are a few tips to help you write the first word.

Let’s check the best tips that will help you start writing,

1. For a book writer: Begin with the middle word

If you are writing a book, maybe it is your first or second, and you find yourself lost, don't worry. You do not have to start writing the first chapter initially. Just write what comes to your mind first. That can go in chapter three or make the middle of your first page or so on. Once you start writing, chapters and characters will start following. Now, it can become chaotic to keep them organized so that you don't miss anything. To make this process simpler, use a scrivener alternative for android, and your book will have some organization. 

2. For a new writer: choose what type of piece you want to write

When beginning your writing career, you cannot start with a novel.  You may feel comfortable writing something else, and there are options that you can look into.

Thus, you must start writing at your pace. Maybe for you, writing an essay or a blog is more like you. Or maybe you love telling emotional short stories or poems. Start writing, which is comfortable for you to be a better writer.

3. For a seasonal writer: Keep reading

So you are stuck, and ideas are not flowing. But that does not mean that it is permanent. The best way to get ideas flowing is to start reading. When you read, you enhance your vocabulary and become a better idea anyway. And when you are stuck, reading can give you motivation and ideas which can get you out of this situation.

4. For the book writer: Do not start big every time

You do not have to start big like murdering someone in the first few chapters gory style. You can start small and let the story build up. That is more fun because it builds anticipation. Beginning something massive works well for movie or screen culture because they have a short time to build anticipation.

As a writer, you can start slow and go from there.

5. For a new writer: Write every day

If you are new to the writing world, you should write every day. The best way to do this is to dedicate a few hours every day. Ensure that when you devote some hours to writing, nothing distracts you. Otherwise, the whole purpose of fixing hours goes down the drain.

Happy writing! Use these tips to keep writing even when you feel like it's impossible to do so and write up a storm.


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