Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Want to be the best writer? Then practice these rituals daily!

 If you aspire to be a writer, there are a few things that you need to do daily. It is because to be a published and well-known writer, you need to work on your craft every day. If you let your guard down even a bit, it can affect your writing, and the competition in this field is too high.

Whether you are writing your first novel or writing an article, remember a few things. It will ensure you are the best at what you do. 

1. Read a lot

To be a better writer, you need to be an avid reader. Pick out any book, article, or magazine that is well-written and read it. Make it a habit to read at least one chapter or one page daily. That will ensure that you learn new words, or understand how people put forth their perspective and more.

2. Forget television

What you watch on television will not help you write. Sure, TV has creative content, but it is not right for budding writers to keep watching TV. Instead, read and write a lot to become the best writer your century will ever know.

3. Start writing daily

Make it a habit to write every day, even if it is for 10-15 minutes. That will help you hone your skills and be a better writer. You don't have to worry about the spelling or grammar, just free-write about anything. Maybe it can be towards a particular subject that will help you become perfect in it. Use the Scrivener alternative tool to write and organize all your free-writing stuff, in case you decide to use it to write your first book.

4. Don’t use exclamation points too much

We think that by using exclamation points, we are giving more emphasis to our sentences. The truth is that we are not. Instead of using exclamation points to show weight in our message, use your words and sentences to convey your message.

5. Prepare yourself to deal with failure

When you write a piece, you will face failure and criticism. You will self-doubt, and even other people will criticize your craft. However, do not let that distract you from writing. Take that failure and criticism in stride and keep writing. Do not give up writing a particular piece because you fear all this. It will not help you, but writing even when you do not feel like it, will help you overcome this challenge.

6. Don’t let rude comments change your mind

When you are writing a book or an article, you will find people who are not pleased by it. They will call you names, and you have to accept that. Do not try to please people, but write what you believe in.

There are tons of bad writers out there and you do not want to be one of them. Thus, practice these tips daily and you will become better for sure. Keep learning as writing is one field that keep evolving, and maybe there are a few tricks that can help you better your craft.

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