Sunday, October 17, 2021

Want to use Instagram to promote your brand in 2021? Use these tips!

 Do you know these facts about Instagram? The facts like:

  • There are over 1 billion active monthly users who use IG for over 30 minutes daily. (It is average)
  • 81% of people use Instagram to search for a business or brand
  • 50% of people visit a website to purchase after seeing an ad on Instagram.

These statistics are important for any brand that isn’t on Instagram. It shows the power this social media has and how it can help your business. If you are interested in using IG for your business, here is how you can do so.

Tip 1: Make sure it is a business account

The first thing to make sure IG works well for you is to use a business account. There are a lot of benefits to using a business account. Like:

  • Your account is visible to everyone and not just the people who follow you.
  • You have access to analytics which gives you insight into what strategy is working for you.
  • You get to add contact information and call-to-action in your bio. That helps with increased sales.

Tip 2: Buy likes

Most experts would not recommend you to buy Instagram likes and comments. And you shouldn’t if you worry about quantity and connect yourself with bots. Buying likes and comments can work for you if you work with a company that connects you with real people. 

People who would engage with your content instead of disappearing after a while. 

Tip 3: Post appealing images and videos

Instagram is a visual platform and images make 90% of the content and 10% are video content. Thus, it is critical that whenever you post a video or an image, it is appealing. Do not post any random images that you take. It should be the best and convey the message well. 

When it comes to video content, make sure it is relatable, entertaining, and informative. Using trending music or so can also make your reel interesting and engaging.

Tip 4: Work on knowing your audience

It is essential that you know the audience you are making the posts for. With a little research, you can understand who your target audiences are? Also, what kind of posts are they looking for? Most people on Instagram are between 18-29. That does not mean that every one of them is your customer. You define your target market with proper research. It shows who likes your product/service and how to reach them in the best manner.

Tip 5: Make sure to use the right profile picture on your account

Every account needs a profile picture, and that is true for you. Choosing the right picture can be tricky, but here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Use the same profile picture on every social media
  • Brands should use a logo as it represents their business in the best possible manner
  • It should be clear and follow the standard logo size

Follow these tips to get the best results for your business on Instagram.

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