Friday, July 3, 2020

Best coffee trends of 2020 you should try

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. The caffeine found in coffee is both good and bad for health. If taken in moderation, it fuels us with energy and is great for our metabolism. But if you drink too much caffeine, it dehydrates you which is not optimal for your health.
In any case, this beverage is the wake-up call that everyone needs at the start of the day. It is the reason that coffee has so many varieties and flavors, and every day people come up with new ways to make their coffee more favorable.

In 2020, a lot of trends made waves when it comes to coffee. Due to the pandemic, most people avoided cafes and coffee houses, and that made them try new trends and come up with some of their own. In this blog, we will look at some of the biggest and smallest coffee trends of 2020.

1. Coffee pods

 Well, coffee pods are not a new trend. But its use in the international market was not much. Since, early 2019, coffee pods are getting much attention. They are single pods of coffee that come in various flavors. They are like tea bags, but they come in pods. Also, if you are feeling lazy, or don’t have a machine that works with pods; you can pour hot water on it and enjoy it.
From espresso to latte to vanilla-infused coffee, you can get tons of flavor using pods. Do your coffee pods shopping online, and enjoy your cup of joe at home safe.

2. Dalgona coffee

 This trend was all over the internet. People made TikTok videos about it, and tons of YouTubers came up with their twist of dalgona coffee. You must be living under a rock is you haven’t heard about this trend. All you need is sugar, instant coffee, lukewarm water, and a whisk. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, whisk it till it gets a whipped like consistency. Now, pour chilled milk (froth it, if you want), in a glass, add an ice cube, and add the whisked coffee on it.
It is intagrammable and beyond delicious. It is pretty simple, and Indians have been whisking their coffee like this since ages.

3. Cold-brew 

Cold-brew is 5ish years old. But it was limited to big coffee chains and companies. The craze of this coffee is so much now that a lot of brands have ready-to-drink cold brew available for people in a bottle. You don’t even need to add cream or milk to them as it tastes so good.
Moreover, every coffee shop and even bar has a selection of cold brews in their menu as of 2020.

4. Specialty coffees

When a coffee scores 80 out of 100 on a scale, you call it specialty coffee. It has little to no flaws and has the perfect taste. A lot of small coffee roasteries are coming up with their specialty coffee. They require an ideal climatic condition to grow, which helps them taste better and different from the coffee that we generally drink.

5. Decaf coffee

Since last year, quality decaf coffee has been selling in the market. It is gaining a lot of customers as decaf coffee is something that people are looking forward to.
So, which of these trends will you be trying soon? Let me know in the comments below.

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