Thursday, April 8, 2021

5 reasons your e-commerce website needs a blog

 There is no doubt about the fact that your e-commerce business needs a blog. The website alone is not sufficient to bring in customers. They will only come to explore products and buy them. Yes, that is the primary goal. However, adding a blog to your e-commerce website yields several benefits.

Here are a few benefits that might interest you to add a blog to your e-commerce website.

1.      It helps with search engine optimization

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is SEO, and a blog is an effective method of doing so. A blog allows you to market your business and products better. You can use the blog to share valuable information with target customers.

When you share them on social media, it helps with backlinks, which is necessary for SEO. Another point here is blog comments. When you have a blog, you get comments, and you perform blog commenting services on another blog. If the comment is valuable, you build a relationship with other bloggers that is quintessential for SEO.


2.      It helps you engage customers

Engaging customers for more than just buying products is unquestionably a benefit for your brand. Starting a blog gives you a chance to engage them with your original and innovative content. What kind of content can you write? There are a few areas you can work on, like:

Explaining using products from your brand or how to assemble them.

Share inspirational stories

Provide insight about how a product (genera) can help the customer.


3.      It helps the brand boost its conversion rates

The goal is not just to bring in more traffic or customers. You want to increase conversion rates as well. It will ensure that people are not exploring the products but buying them too. A blog can help with this as it makes you look credible, trustworthy, and reputable.

However, that does require being truthful and writing content that is not copied from any other site.


4.      It has the potential to make your brand go viral

When you write an engaging blog post, whether it is a video or inspiration stories, people will share it. If several people share it on their social media, it can go viral, which is exceptional for your brand.

Your e-commerce website, through that one blog post, experiences massive exposure, which will bring in more customers and drive huge traffic.

5.      Free marketing

A simple reason that can make you jump on the opportunity to start a blog. It helps with free marketing. Since you already have a website, you do not need to invest any money to start a blog.

Just get a team together and start building an engaging blog. The blog posts you post today will be relevant years later.

If you agree with these reasons, sit with your team now and start working on blog ideas. It requires a team, as you need writers, editors, and not just for the blog, but blog commenting services too.

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