Monday, July 29, 2019

The best tips for your WordPress blog or Website

For a WordPress blog or website, there are numerous SEO tips. But what works best for you or which approach you should take can be quite difficult to understand. For getting a website that gets high ranking in search engine results and is user-friendly, SEO is important. In this guide, we will talk about SEP tips that can help your WordPress site gain higher numbers and organic traffic.

The title of the posts should have targeted keywords

The title of your post must have targeted keywords, and it must be mentioned a few times in the article. Also, never use that same title as another post title for the same website. It is because it can confuse the search engine results, which also in turn negatively influence the rankings.

Use sitemap via Google

 It is a tool that can help Google index your website faster. It is necessary for all WordPress website as it assists Google in finding the content of your pages on the website. With the help of a simple plugin, you can create a sitemap for your blog.

 Always ping all your blog posts

It is important to ping your blog posts to numerous different websites every time you post a new blog, according to SEO specialist in India. It provides your post much needed exposure and if the webmasters like your posts, you can get quality backlinks too.

Customizing your Permalinks is crucial

 It is a crucial SEO tip for a WordPress site or a blog. Writing the title of the post in the URL is important, and you can do this by customizing the structure of your permalinks. Just type in /%postname%/ in the option for customizing, and it will appear in the blog.

Without making any changes, the URL will have a default structure that will have question marks and numbers. It is not great for SEO as a complicated URL is something that no user will click on as it doesn't clearly state what the blog is all about.

Tagging is important

 When a search engine is crawling your website, tags can help them understand what the post is all about. Tags are one or two words that briefly describe what the post content is.

All search engines use these tags to index, categorize, and quickly find your blog posts. Tagging takes mere seconds, and you can do it as soon as you are done writing a post.

Linking both internal and external s important

 You can link one post on your blog with other posts on the blog. Either use a plugin for it or do it manually. This internal page linking can help boost other pages with crucial information.

Also, find authentic websites and comment or post there and get backlinks as they help you get more exposure.

These tips will help you set a WordPress blog that has a clear pattern. It will help with every blog you write and make it rank higher in search engine.

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