In today’s world a customer is influenced by a vast source of information available on the internet in various forms like reviews, blogs, videos, etc. Hence, capturing a customer’s attention to your product isn’t a child’s play. To get the desired results you need to understand customer behavior and implement a multichannel marketing strategy to ensure effective communication with them. In the current market scenario, if you are able to grab customer’s attention, then half of your marketing battle is won.
Many tools and marketing models are available for you to choose from to understand your brand or product’s impact on the market. Some of the marketing tools that can help you in building stronger customer relationships are:
Customer behavior: Reviewing the customers that visit your website and engage with your product is highly beneficial. Websites like Google Trends summarize the trends that your brand is experiencing in different zones globally. Based on this summary you can strategize next steps to improve customer hits on areas where your product or brand is lagging.
Competitor benchmarking: With the innovations in technology, everyone is trying to put their best product out in the market. With the help of tools like Stillio, you can track the critical things that your competitor is publishing on its website or on social media platforms. You can even create a historical archive of your competitor to analyze what design or content changes have been made over the course of a particular time. Based on these statistics you can access your competitor’s performance as compared to other brand websites in the same category.
Managing Social Media: It’s the world of social media and getting your products on various social media platforms unlocks a plethora of opportunities for you to engage with your customers directly. Tools like Hootsuite not only help you in posting product details on social media websites but also provide feedback and reviews of the same. You are more to gain than lose by using tools to manage social media.
Connecting with influencers: A lot of social media platforms have good profiles that have extensive reach within their country or in a local zone. Connecting with these influencers and getting them on board your marketing strategy would help you in reaching out to a broader audience.
SEO tracking: SERP ranks for keywords, click-through rate, etc. are some of the important criteria that help in analyzing the SEO status of a brand. All these are automated through tools and are available at a click of the button. You just have to take these insights and re-strategize your next steps.
The above-mentioned points if tracked or accessed correctly will give you great insights that can help your business to grow exponentially. To beat the tough competition, the marketing strategy needs to be effective. But by making use of the right tools, you can create a more disciplined and focused strategy to win it in the industry.
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