Monday, July 29, 2019

The best tips for your WordPress blog or Website

For a WordPress blog or website, there are numerous SEO tips. But what works best for you or which approach you should take can be quite difficult to understand. For getting a website that gets high ranking in search engine results and is user-friendly, SEO is important. In this guide, we will talk about SEP tips that can help your WordPress site gain higher numbers and organic traffic.

The title of the posts should have targeted keywords

The title of your post must have targeted keywords, and it must be mentioned a few times in the article. Also, never use that same title as another post title for the same website. It is because it can confuse the search engine results, which also in turn negatively influence the rankings.

Use sitemap via Google

 It is a tool that can help Google index your website faster. It is necessary for all WordPress website as it assists Google in finding the content of your pages on the website. With the help of a simple plugin, you can create a sitemap for your blog.

 Always ping all your blog posts

It is important to ping your blog posts to numerous different websites every time you post a new blog, according to SEO specialist in India. It provides your post much needed exposure and if the webmasters like your posts, you can get quality backlinks too.

Customizing your Permalinks is crucial

 It is a crucial SEO tip for a WordPress site or a blog. Writing the title of the post in the URL is important, and you can do this by customizing the structure of your permalinks. Just type in /%postname%/ in the option for customizing, and it will appear in the blog.

Without making any changes, the URL will have a default structure that will have question marks and numbers. It is not great for SEO as a complicated URL is something that no user will click on as it doesn't clearly state what the blog is all about.

Tagging is important

 When a search engine is crawling your website, tags can help them understand what the post is all about. Tags are one or two words that briefly describe what the post content is.

All search engines use these tags to index, categorize, and quickly find your blog posts. Tagging takes mere seconds, and you can do it as soon as you are done writing a post.

Linking both internal and external s important

 You can link one post on your blog with other posts on the blog. Either use a plugin for it or do it manually. This internal page linking can help boost other pages with crucial information.

Also, find authentic websites and comment or post there and get backlinks as they help you get more exposure.

These tips will help you set a WordPress blog that has a clear pattern. It will help with every blog you write and make it rank higher in search engine.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The wooden art-form of India: A glimpse of how it all began

Since the Vedic age, wooden work or wood carvings have been part of Indian culture. The temples of Uttar Pradesh with wood carvings are a testimonial to this.
Since then, the culture and tradition of making furniture and decorative pieces out of wood are prevalent in India. These handcrafted wooden items are famous all over the world. It is the main source of income for many rural people. The most widely used woods are Sheesham, sandalwood, ebony, deodar, walnut, and mango.
What started as a material for designing palaces and temples has now become a part of our daily lives, with so many artists making wooden artifacts all over India.
India is one diverse country where you will see a different culture, religion, caste, and also handcrafted items, and wood art is one such handicraft products. Let’s learn how it all began and rediscover our love for by buying these handcrafted items for sale.
The beginning…
Wooden handicrafts whether they are furniture or alluring artifacts are quiet popular worldwide. There are numerous items that you can make from wood. It includes carved figurines, decorative items, accessories, and furniture and so on.
The wood work or art in a region heavily depends on the local availability of wood in that region. Like:
Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Known for its intricate wooden carvings, you can trace the origin of this art to the late 19th century. Due to the migration of Kashmiri artisans here, the woodwork of this region is inspired by Kashmiri designs. The artists here were quite famous for making vine leaf patterns and jaali.
Other famous regions where wood work is famous are:
The wood carvings found here uses raw material from walnut trees to create intricate carvings. The walnut tree, Doon Kul is cut only after it reaches an age of 300 years. It is famous as it is found only in Kashmir and is durable and hard.
Items made out of this are toys, platters, bowls, and jewelry boxes, and so on. Khatamban, a special art form of Kashmir includes ornamental wood panels for doorways, ceilings, and arches.
Artist here uses sandalwood which is found here in abundance to create beautiful wood art form like deities and boxes with distinctive designs.
The procedure of carving artifacts out of wood
· Artists carve out artifacts from wood using their hands. The most popular wood used for carvings is Sheesham.
· Carvings are done by hand, but sometimes artists use heavy machines due to popular demand. The entire process of carving, cutting, polishing, and sanding is 99% of the time done by hands.
· The five major types of carvings you will find on wood are- Undercut (Khokerdar), Semi Carving (Padri), Lattice work (Jalidhar), Shallow Carving (Sadikaam), and Deep Carving (Vaboraveth),
Current use…
Wood is a quality material that makes robust artifacts that you can use for various things. It is classy and timeless, and you can find a utility item to home décor wood items.
Wood is the most versatile material that man can use to make doors, furniture, and miniature decorative items. Use these amazing wood arts to decorate your home and feel amazing.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Trump Sets the Terms on Racial Division. Do Democrats Know What to Do?

GREENVILLE, N.C.- President Donal Trump campaign rallies often have a microcosm of angry tribalism, which is not new. The same thing happened on Wednesday night when during one of his rallies, his supporters grew aggressive of Somali-born Democratic congresswoman.

“Send her Home” and “Treason!” were the words and phrases thrown at the campaign supporting Mr. Trump's tweet attacking the said congresswomen. But these chants didn’t sit well will many Republican members of Congress. They denounced the chants as xenophobic and racist. Initially, the president was indifferent to these angry words, but he quickly praised them a day later.

But for Democrats, the rally and the aggressiveness of Mr. Trump and his supporters had only one impact. And that is: That this general election will focus on identity, race and his brand of politics- the white grievance.

Until this incident, the 2020 field tried their best to ignore the provocative language of the American President. Rather they talked about policies and talking about making changes to the justice system, maternal health or looking into ways to diffuse the wealth gap.

But now many feel that they have to take a different approach to Mr. Trump’s provocative behavior.

New Jersey’s Senator Cory Booker, says, “This election will be a referendum, not on Donald Trump, but a referendum on who we are and who we must be to each other, but this is going to get worse before it gets better.”

Also, California’s Senator Kamala Harris, a woman of color who also ran for president, says, “When we’re on that stage together in the general, I know he’ll try to pull the same thing with me,” Ms. Harris said. “But I’m fully prepared for that. I’m up for it. Because he is small. He is wrong. He is a bully.”

She says that his comments were unpleasant and unwelcomed, but they were not surprising.

The comments also didn’t sit well with former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. who said that Mr. Trump is “tearing at the social fabric of this country.”

The rally brought a lot of Democratic candidates together supporting each other against Mr. Trump. But still, they haven’t agreed on how the future presidential nominee will combat the racial and discriminative words Mr. Trump spoke. Will they talk about it openly in their campaign or will they only talk about jobs and the economy?

Often we have seen Democratic leaders especially who had ties to Hillary Clinton’s and Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, follows a strategy of ignorance. They would respond to the provocative words only to redirect the debate to kitchen-table issues like wage and health care.

But, there is a Democratic group of grass-roots organizers and pollsters who believe that the President’s action and racist words amount to a solid playbook of white identity politics. It is meant to convince white voters of the idea that their fates are under threat by a diverse America. They argue in favor of supporting these issues head-on.

“Just as much time and resources as the nominee spends on targeting and messaging around health care and wages and climate change, they should spend an equal amount of resources around an alternative racial vision for the country,” said Cornell Belcher, a prominent pollster who worked with Mr. Obama. “This isn’t a goddamn distraction.”

For most progressives, it is not only about winning the 2020 election. It is more about the fact that American identity is at risk. Ms. Archila, co-executive director of progressive group center for popular Democrats, believes that the chants of “send her back” were a permanent ideology of the Republicans which is bigger than Mr. Trump’s word.

Ms. Harris in an interview said that Democrats are now better equipped to combat Mr. Trump’s discriminatory language as voters now know that he hasn’t delivered any of his promises. She said, “He has a rap sheet now. Maybe before someone said, ‘Oh, it appears he’d run a good business,’ and there was this aura surrounding him. But now he’s been exposed for who he is.”

But the question is, will such a strategy work in a universe which Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed keeps reshaping?

According to Mr. Biden, it can. He is a leading Democrat in the national polling. He also said in 2017, that his decision to run for president came after he saw Mr. Trump’s reaction the rally of white nationalist in Charlottesville.

“There’s always in every society an underbelly that has racist and xenophobic tendencies; thank God it’s a minority,” he told the crowd at the Los Angeles fund-raiser. “From the day Trump ran, he’s been trying to appeal to that underbelly.”

The last five years have seen a huge shift amongst Democrats, especially amongst white Democrats on issues of identity and race. 2016, was the first time a major number of white Democrats agreed on the fact that discrimination is holding back the black people.

How Instagram has evolved photography business?

If you capture an image the way you want to, it will come out great no matter what device you use. A person who knows how to shoot an image doesn’t need a professional camera to make it look good. Even a smartphone can work for him/her. Sure, with DSLRs you get better quality, but the phones are more accessible and convenient to use.
Most traditional photographers don’t agree with this, and that is why using Instagram for clicking and editing images is something that they don’t agree with.
But no one can deny the fact that IG has evolved photography, and below we will read how.

It allows people to see art in everyday things

Instagram has evolved photography as it allows people to see the beauty in everything, and click it and share it with people. From seeing art in their food to flowers to two children playing and on, people want to share all moments on Instagram. It shares a positive vibe and important messages with people, which is the purpose of photography.

Integration with other social media platforms

Instagram has become quite popular, and now it has made it possible to integrate other media with it. Now, you can share your photos and videos that you posted on Instagram on Twitter and Facebook. It is a great way to increase your likes and Instagram views on your content as your now your followers on FB and Twitter too can like and view your posts.

A better and easy way to edit photos

Instagram is a great tool for amateur photographs who want an app that can edit their images with ease and without spending money on buying professional editing apps.
Instagram has quite a lot of filters with Mayfair being popular. Using Instagram to click and edit your pictures might not sit well with professional photographers. But a person who is just starting with photography and business can make use of this tool to post amazing content.

A great alternative to heavy cameras

As a photographer, you can find Instagram worthy photos anywhere. That is why you need to be prepared always. And a phone is a great option to click images instead of carrying heavy DSLRs cameras. With your smartphone, you can take amazing pictures for your Instagram account and edit and post them instantly. So, the effect will be even better.
Also, it comes quite handy when you have to cover an event suddenly. So, Instagram has given rise to a new type of photography where phones are the medium to click alluring pictures.

It is an all in one platform

Instagram lets you click, edit, and share photos within minutes using a single platform. It comes in handy, especially when you have to immediately share something to better engage your audience.

With Instagram, photographers have a way to connect with their audience within minutes. They don’t have to carry heavy tools everywhere, because, on IG, they can share good quality pictures taken from your camera too. It is imperative that you are on IG if you want to increase the reach of your business and engage more people.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Do startups need SEO?

For a startup, SEO is crucial for it to become successful from day one. Still, a lot of startup owners ignore the importance of SEO. They think that SEO is necessary for only big companies.
It is important for a startup to fully optimize their websites and businesses. And you can perform your SEO without spending too much money.

Here are some reasons why startups require SEO.

It is a cost-effective solution for startups

A startup company faces a lot of financial troubles and has a small budget. In the future, their chance of getting good profit is high. But initially, it can be a struggle for them. That means, they have to budget cut and marketing can be one such department.
With SEO, startups get the option to reach their target audience and give you a market for growth. It is a cost-effective way to generate leads for your business. As SEO makes your content visible on the net for users, they can search for your products online, and you get a new customer at half the price that you would have paid in marketing.

It brings organic traffic for them

SEO is the key to bringing organic traffic to your online business. And for an online startup, organic traffic is crucial. It helps your firm grow as investors like to invest in startups which can guarantee long-term viability and continuous customers.

Optimizing your business through SEO will help you build long-term consumers

Prince Kapoor, an SEO expert in India, says that SEO is the one thing that can help your business gets more traffic and customers. It can help you layout the content your audience would like to see instead of advertisements. When you pay for ads, the results are short-term, but with SEO, you get long-term results.

It increases the global visibility of the startup

When you optimize your website, it helps it get more traffic and higher ranking in SERPs. When you get to be on the first page of search engines, you are visible to the audience globally increasing your chance of getting more leads.

It pushes you ahead of competitors

Tons of startups are in the same business as you. And all of them want to generate more leads and get more consumers. That’s why SEO can help you, with the proper tips, you can stay ahead of your competitors.
But to remain on top, you need to keep up to date on your SEO strategies. Search engines algorithm keeps changing, and if you want to remain on top, your SEO needs to top-notch too.

It will deliver results for your startup

When a startup in any industry wants to build a digital presence, SEO is crucial. It helps the brand gain awareness, traction, and brand equity. SEO is a cheap tool for all startups to build a consumer base and inspire trust amongst them. Through SEO, you have access to audience data, which helps you build a business according to their needs and likes.

For startups, SEO is the best advertising campaign as their budget can restrain them from using splendid marketing strategies.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

5 tips for marketers to plan their future strategy


 In today’s world a customer is influenced by a vast source of information available on the internet in various forms like reviews, blogs, videos, etc. Hence, capturing a customer’s attention to your product isn’t a child’s play. To get the desired results you need to understand customer behavior and implement a multichannel marketing strategy to ensure effective communication with them. In the current market scenario, if you are able to grab customer’s attention, then half of your marketing battle is won. 

Many tools and marketing models are available for you to choose from to understand your brand or product’s impact on the market. Some of the marketing tools that can help you in building stronger customer relationships are:

Customer behavior: Reviewing the customers that visit your website and engage with your product is highly beneficial. Websites like Google Trends summarize the trends that your brand is experiencing in different zones globally. Based on this summary you can strategize next steps to improve customer hits on areas where your product or brand is lagging.

Competitor benchmarking: With the innovations in technology, everyone is trying to put their best product out in the market. With the help of tools like Stillio, you can track the critical things that your competitor is publishing on its website or on social media platforms. You can even create a historical archive of your competitor to analyze what design or content changes have been made over the course of a particular time. Based on these statistics you can access your competitor’s performance as compared to other brand websites in the same category.

Managing Social Media: It’s the world of social media and getting your products on various social media platforms unlocks a plethora of opportunities for you to engage with your customers directly. Tools like Hootsuite not only help you in posting product details on social media websites but also provide feedback and reviews of the same. You are more to gain than lose by using tools to manage social media.

Connecting with influencers: A lot of social media platforms have good profiles that have extensive reach within their country or in a local zone. Connecting with these influencers and getting them on board your marketing strategy would help you in reaching out to a broader audience.

 SEO tracking: SERP ranks for keywords, click-through rate, etc. are some of the important criteria that help in analyzing the SEO status of a brand. All these are automated through tools and are available at a click of the button. You just have to take these insights and re-strategize your next steps. 

The above-mentioned points if tracked or accessed correctly will give you great insights that can help your business to grow exponentially. To beat the tough competition, the marketing strategy needs to be effective. But by making use of the right tools, you can create a more disciplined and focused strategy to win it in the industry.

Friday, July 12, 2019

6 ways to get real Instagram followers

Instagram initially was a fun app which kids use to share fun moments with friends and family on the internet. But today it is more than that. In this digital age, Instagram is more than that for brands and individual.
It is a platform for promoting your business, connecting with your consumers, and influencers and sharing positive vibes with the whole world. With over a billion followers and more engagement rate than Facebook, Instagram is an ideal marketing tool for your business.

It’s all about getting good numbers of Instagram followers. Once you have a good number, you
have the power to influence people and generate good leads. But how can you increase the number
of real IG followers?

Here are some ways.

Promote your hashtags on various mediums

If you want to get real Instagram followers, don’t forget to use the hashtag approach. Use popular
hashtags and create a hashtag for your company too. Also, make sure that your audience knows
about your hashtag. Add it in your profile, or print it on your website or on your store or any event
related to your company.

Be bold with your caption

Instagram is all about images and visuals, but adding captions to it is also important. Don’t write
boring captions, get creative. Add hashtags to your captions to tell a story, use creative and popular
Also, make sure your captions are unique telling a story to form a connection with the audience.

Draft your bio carefully

Your bio is part of your profile, and it is the first thing that a new user will notice. Thus, make sure
that your bio and profile are eye-catching. Use only the best of the images, so that the feed appeals
to the audience.
Also, add a clickable link to your URL, so that you can drive traffic to your newest content. Keep
changing this link; don’t keep the main link of your website as it is boring.

Don’t neglect influencer marketing

Find all the influencer in your niche and follow them. Like their content and interact with them. It
would help you get more exposure and reach more like-minded people. Also, you can collaborate
with them to promote your product and services. It is one of the biggest trends which helps you get
more visibility.

Remove unnecessary tagged images from your profile

As a brand, you cannot afford a single bad content on your profile. Even if that means hiding
user-generated content that does nothing positive for your brand.
So, it is better to remove all these tagged photos of your brand from your profile. You cannot
actually delete them, but you can hide them profile via your settings.

 Approve tagged photos

There is an option on Instagram that lets you control the tagged photos. Through this, you can
approve the photos you are tagged in before they appear on your profile. This way no ugly or
embarrassing photo will ever reach your account.

I hope these tips will help you get more and real Instagram followers. It is a great marketing tool
and you should use it to your advantage.