If you are an introvert, you must constantly the pressure when you have to network and make strong connections with clients. Right? It happens to the best of us and when you find it challenging to be around crowds or many people with whom you need to network, it can be too much. But what if we tell you that it doesn’t have to be? Most great businesses are run by introverts and you can channel your inner power to network and step up the ladder of success without changing your personality. How? With the help of these tips.
Firstly, don’t try to be someone else
As an introvert, the pressure is massive, but if you want to be better at networking,
you need to own up to the fact that you are an introvert. If you try to change
your personality, it will make it difficult for you to do anything, and that
will not help. Instead, you can work on other ways to improve your networking
plans and even learn some tips from an extrovert you know.
Take a friend to a meeting
Some events like an office party are essential for you to attend. Everyone from your team
will be there, and many other people will come, giving you a chance to network.
Thus, you cannot afford to ignore that event. A way out of uncomfortable
situations at the event is to take a friend or networking buddy with you.
Someone who supports you, and never stops you from talking to someone and networking. Also, they shouldn’t distract you when you are trying to build connections, and you do the same for them.
A tip that works for both extroverts and introverts. When you meet a prospect who you know is someone who can be your client, don’t take too much time. You exchange a digital business card with others for a reason, and that's to remind them about your meeting so that they can take action soon. But you cannot depend on them only for furthering your meet, it is also up to you. Therefore, use the details on the digital business card and use it to send an email regarding the meeting.
It works as a follow-up and helps them remember you too.
Go online for networking
For introverts, this tip works miraculously as it doesn’t require them to be in a room with multiple people. They can network online by making a great profile on
LinkedIn and Twitter. They can use it to join forums and connect with industry
leaders or anyone worth networking with. You can also be part of multiple networking events and seminars happening. It gives you a perfect chance to make connections.
Change your approach
Go for one-on-one meetings at a café or by playing golf. It will take time, but you
can network well this way.
As an introvert, networking may be challenging, but it is not impossible. Thus, try these tips and you will have a successful career and an even better list of contacts through your networking.
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