When you are in business for yourself, you have to make every opportunity count. And to make the most out of any opportunity, ensuring you have your business card with you is essential. A handy marketing tool, which has all your essential details is what you need to promote your business. Thus, you need to be invested in your business card because when you improve your business card, you are improving your business. As we head towards new technical developments, business cards are getting explosive as well. From the material used to how they are designed, everything is changing. As a business, you need to prepare yourself for the same. Here are some business card trends you need to know in 2022.
Trend 1: Make your design inclusive and accessible
Many people live with disabilities, and you should think about them too while creating your business card. When you design a card keeping them in mind, you are creating a progressive business with grateful clients and a bright future. Some examples of the inclusive business card include:
Adding contact information in braille for blind people
Using colour combination that is readable by people affected by colour blindness
Have a decent font size so people with low vision can see the information on the card well
Trend 2: Digital business card
This trend is taking the front seat due to the pandemic. The pandemic forced us to conduct our business from home and network through our screens. Thus, a digital business card came in handy in these times as you can share it through mail or text and network with tons of people. Also, even though people are going out for business, they prefer digital business cards because paper business cards risk carrying germs. Lastly, digital business cards are cheaper and more convenient to share.
Trend 3: Making business cards useful
Another trend that is picking speed is creating useful business cards. Now, designers are coming up with impeccable designs which also double as a solution to a specific problem. This way, people remember your business card more. There are many ways to make your business card useful according to your business. For instance, you can create a business card that works as a coaster if you are in the catering business. Or as a bookmark, if you are a writer or an author.
Trend 4: Using materials that aren’t common
Paper is the most common material for designing a business card. Isn't it? Not anymore! Now you can design your business card on wood or fabric or edible food. Using wood and fabric makes for an unconventional card that packs a punch. The edible food card trend is only for the food industry, but it is also a unique way to present your business information.
These trends are perfect, with investing in a digital business card taking the cake. Make sure you do your research and design a business card that is best for your brand without jumping onto every trend that you see.
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