A business card is not just a paper with your details, it is a marketing opportunity. This tiny card can help expose your brand to tons of people and ensure that they remember you when they require your services. A traditional business card is a paper business card. But in this new digital era, brands and businesses are moving to a smart business card as it is economical, has a bigger reach, is easily shareable, is interactive, and is instant.
Whether you require a smart business card or a paper business card depends on your business requirement. But in both cases, you should keep some things in mind which we will discuss below. It will give your card a better chance to market your business. Let’s take a look.
Your card must have a purpose
Give your business card more purpose than just being a communicative tool. You can achieve this better with a digital business card as it is more interactive by adding a real-time website or blog or video or so on. Moreover, when you are using a paper business card, make sure you design it in a way that makes it multi usable like an event ticket or a bookmark or so on.
It means that you can create a bookmark that has all the details a business card has so the bookmark can work like one.
Try to create a challenge for people
Another way you can create a unique business card is by expanding a challenge with the card for your audience or prospects. You can achieve this by including a fact or a figure or trivia question. It should be something that makes people start a conversation. When you engage with people over a business card, you are doing something right, and this is a great way to do that.
Have a QR code
A QR code is something that everyone has a paper business card must include. It makes storing the information easier. People only have to scan the QR code from their phone and the details are available on the smartphone.
Add testimonials
People love reading reviews from other clients before working with a business or so on. Now, you can use your business card for this purpose too. You can add a single line review on the back of the paper business card. Moreover, if you go with a chip business card, you don’t have to worry about space as you have unlimited space to add any relevant piece of information.
Support a social cause
Your prospects and customers will use your products more if you are socially responsible. So, if you support any social or economical cause, make sure you put that in the business card. For instance, if you support feed America, write ‘supporters of feed America’.
These are simple things that can make a big difference. Also, you can add a picture of yourself in the card to give an image to your name.
Whether you require a smart business card or a paper business card depends on your business requirement. But in both cases, you should keep some things in mind which we will discuss below. It will give your card a better chance to market your business. Let’s take a look.
Your card must have a purpose
Give your business card more purpose than just being a communicative tool. You can achieve this better with a digital business card as it is more interactive by adding a real-time website or blog or video or so on. Moreover, when you are using a paper business card, make sure you design it in a way that makes it multi usable like an event ticket or a bookmark or so on.
It means that you can create a bookmark that has all the details a business card has so the bookmark can work like one.
Try to create a challenge for people
Another way you can create a unique business card is by expanding a challenge with the card for your audience or prospects. You can achieve this by including a fact or a figure or trivia question. It should be something that makes people start a conversation. When you engage with people over a business card, you are doing something right, and this is a great way to do that.
Have a QR code
A QR code is something that everyone has a paper business card must include. It makes storing the information easier. People only have to scan the QR code from their phone and the details are available on the smartphone.
Add testimonials
People love reading reviews from other clients before working with a business or so on. Now, you can use your business card for this purpose too. You can add a single line review on the back of the paper business card. Moreover, if you go with a chip business card, you don’t have to worry about space as you have unlimited space to add any relevant piece of information.
Support a social cause
Your prospects and customers will use your products more if you are socially responsible. So, if you support any social or economical cause, make sure you put that in the business card. For instance, if you support feed America, write ‘supporters of feed America’.
These are simple things that can make a big difference. Also, you can add a picture of yourself in the card to give an image to your name.