Friday, April 10, 2020

5 reasons why email marketing is still in trend

Email is the easiest way to connect with the audience as it is used by most of the internet users. If your customers are mobile users, email marketing is surely a great option for you.

Remember the time when we used to get happy upon receiving. But nowadays, we are flooded with unwanted mails in our mailbox. This made some marketers think that email marketing is not a good option now. But they are wrong, email marketing is still in trend and benefiting marketers with great results.

Here are some reasons why email marketing is still in trend:

Easy way to reach mobile customers

Today almost everyone uses a mobile phone with an active internet connection. With the growing trend of online businesses, the majority of our potential customers are them only.  By doing email marketing, you can easily approach them and save a lot of time and resources.

Will keep customers informed

Email marketing is still the most effective way to keep customers informed. You can send alerts and discounts to your customers.

If there is any sale coming, you can send the details of the sale and increase your chances of conversions.


Emails can be customized and personalized as per your needs. You can personalize each and every email before sending it to the customers. This will not make your email look spam and will help in building better relations with your customers. 


Sending an email to your customer is a cost-effective option. If you are thinking of sending text messages to the customers then, you need to re-think that. Sending text messages will cost the amount of money that you can easily save by sending an email instead.

On space limit

While sending a text message you have only limited space to write the information which you want to convey to the customer. Whereas in an email there are no space boundations, you can write a mail of any length you want.

Having space for writing will help you in conveying proper messages to the targeted customer.


When you are sending emails to the customers, you don’t need to keep a manual count of the email coverts. You just have to have a software which will tell you about the email coverts. 

Bonus Tip: 

You have to keep the tracker on to see who has clicked the mentioned link and have unsubscribed you. In this way, you can easily check your performance and can take further actions to improve on-going strategies.

Now, don’t let anyone fool you by saying that email marketing is an old school strategy. Email marketing is still the most effective technique used by marketers to generate leads. All business owners should try email marketing for the same.

For businesses, it’s not easy to handle this email marketing as they are already very busy. In this case, you may hire some professionals who can help you in building and managing the email marketing strategy for your business. Some affordable digital marketing agencies can help you drive a successful email marketing campaign.

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