Tuesday, October 27, 2020

4 cozy and refreshing spring drinks

It is the spring season in Australia and that means the season of amazingly hot and cold drinks. These cocktails or coffee or tea recipes are so soothing and indulgent that you would want more. So, let’s check out these recipes now.

1. Strawberry tea

Strawberries are such delicious fruit, and when you use it to make tea, the flavor will melt in your mouth and wake you up.

You need:

  • Honey

  • Fresh strawberries- 250 grams

  • Green tea

  • Water

How to?

  • Use one cup of water and a half cup of freshly cut strawberries, and bring them to a boil.

  • When the water boils, add honey as per your taste and one green tea bag. (For two people and two for four people)

  • Let it simmer for two minutes.

  • Add the remaining strawberries into glasses and strain the tea into it.

  • If you want to drink iced strawberry tea, let the mixture cool down and add to a glass full of ice.

2. Lavender latte A latte with a simple hint of lavender is an amazing coffee beverage for springs. It is light, full of taste, and lovely.

You need:

  • Dried lavender

  • Honey or sugar

  • Water

  • Coffee pods

  • Milk

How to?

  • First, let’s make a lavender latte. In a saucepan, bring ½ cup of water and dried lavender to a boil. After it boils, let it simmer to 2-3 minutes and then let it cool. And then strain it.

  • In another pan, boil 2-3 tbsp of sugar or stevia or honey with lavender water to make a syrup.

  • Now, use your choice of coffee pods to brew a strong cup of coffee and pour it in a cup.

  • Add the lavender syrup and stir it.

  • Froth ½ cup milk and then pour it slowly in the coffee.

  • Add dried lavender over the foam and enjoy your cosy drink.

  • You can make iced lavender coffee as well or lavender cappuccino with this syrup.

3. Cold brew bloody mary

A fun coffee drink for weekends or parties.

You need:

  • Bloody mary mix

  • Cold-brew coffee

  • Whiskey soaked pickle

How to?

  • If you do not have cold brew in your neighborhood store, make it home. Brew a strong cup of coffee using your Nespresso pod. And then add it to water (for two glasses, use one pod and 2 cups of water and multiply the number).

  • Stir it and let it brew for over 24 hours.

  • Now, on the day of the party, just mix the cold brew and bloody mary mix equally. Garnish with whiskey-soaked pickle.

  • You can also add wine or cava to make it alcoholic.

4. Mint julep

A refreshing cocktail for weekends or hectic nights and these are best for parties.

You need:

  • Mint- 2 prigs

  • Black maple hill bourbon- 2 oz

  • Simple syrup- 2 oz

How to?

  • In a tall glass, mix the simple syrup with mint. Next, add ice to the cup till about 3/4th of it is filled with it.

  • Pour about half a cup of bourbon and more ice if necessary

  • Garish with sprigs of mint.

 Aren’t these four drinks refreshing and fills you with excitement? Do try these out and let me know which one was your best.




Friday, October 16, 2020

6 Tips for creating a digital business card

 Smart business cards are becoming quite popular because of a variety of reasons. As more and more people are opting to work from home, it is becoming integral to them for networking. People working remotely or as freelancers meet a lot of new people via social media or through online platforms. Thus, having a smart business card is helpful as they can send their details without meeting them to ensure that the client or customer remembers them next time, they need help.

However, creating a digital business card requires the correct tool and imagination. If you are going this route, here are some tips to keep in mind.

1. Never send a digital card without a note

A digital business card though innovative can seem a bit impersonal. But there is a quick fix, a personal note. Never send one without a customized note for the recipient. 

The note itself needs to be short and crisp. For instance, ‘Pleasure to make your acquaintance, look forward to hearing from you’. Any version of this can work for you. Just remember that it should be personal and tell the recipient where and when you met.

2. Pick the right template

If you are designing a smart business card yourself, make sure you pick the right template. It needs to look professional and elegant and not a card which doesn’t look pretty.

Also, choose a site or tool which has excellent reviews and experience when it comes to creating a smart business card.

 3. Include a headshot

Does even your digital business card require a professional headshot? Why, well because it increases the effectiveness of the card by a lot. When you are taking a professional headshot, keep in mind that it should be:

  • From the neck up

  • Recent, not from your teen or college days

  • Professional, so wear formal clothes, have a smile, and keep your chin up and make sure your hair is in place.

4. Make sure to include relevant details only

With a digital business card, you have the chance to include much more detail than with a traditional one. But this does not give you the liberty to put anything and everything that you want.

Make sure to include only such details that are relevant to your field, and a client may require. So, include:

  • Name

  • Designation

  • Email address and working number

  • Address (if necessary)

  • Company name

  • Social media profile link (LinkedIn and Twitter is best)

  • Links to your blogs or YouTube channel if you have one

  • Logo and tagline, if you are running your own company.

 5. Practice

A smart business card is a new thing for lots of people. Thus, it may pose some difficulty when you are trying to share it. So, try sharing it with friends and family, so you have enough practice to do it with your clients.

6. It should be top-notch

A digital business card in no way means that you can create a sloppy card. It still needs the best design and relevancy. So, as I said above, use the right tool and template. Also, make sure it is relevant to your business as well.

With time, businesses and people need to evolve. So, try these tips and create a smart business card for safe and easy sharing of information.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

6 ways to make your coffee flavorful without adding syrups

A lot of times, the espresso and regular latte become too routine for coffee lovers. We want to try something different, delicious, and unique. Now, going to any café for a vanilla latte or a hazelnut frappuccino is always an option, but it is a costly one. You can make better-flavoured coffee at home, it is easy and will cost you half of what you pay for it at.

But how do you go about it? Should you add vanilla syrup or caramel one to make your flavoured coffee? Well, it is an option, but adding syrup too often can lead to an increase in calorie intake as they have too much sugar. But if you use it once a while, it is fine.

Another option is to use seasoned coffee, look for pods flavour online to check how many varieties you can have. They make a quick and easy cup of coffee.

But there are other ways to make flavoured coffee at home, which has multiple health benefits as well. Let’s look at them.

1. Honey

Like your coffee sweet, but want to avoid refined sugar? Then use honey in your coffee. Even a single drip of it will change the taste of your coffee. It will be sweeter but not overwhelming, and it provides tons of health benefits as well.

2. Cocoa powder

Want to drink chocolate latte? Well, it is simple to make at home. All you need to is take one tablespoon of coffee powder and cocoa powder (unsweetened), add a bit of sugar or stevia or honey and pour 2 tbsp hot water. Mix it. Now, add frothed milk to this mixture and lay the foam over, sprinkle some cocoa on top.

It will taste so delicious, and you don’t have to pay a lot for it.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a magical spice as it increases the taste of the coffee while promoting health too. It reduces infection and blood sugar level and helps with weight loss too.

Just add a stick to your coffee and let it brew, strain it and sprinkle some over the foam or on your creamer as well.

4. Vanilla extract

Want to add the taste of vanilla to your coffee? Well, use a vanilla bean or organic vanilla extract and not syrup. The syrup has too much sugar, but the bean and extract are sugarless. Just add a few drops to your coffee and stir it well. Make sure to add in small quantities. Otherwise, it will overwhelm the taste of the coffee.

5. Ginger

It is a weird way to add flavour to your coffee, but it works well. It also reduces inflammation and helps with digestion. So, brew your coffee with ginger root or powder and drink it. Using milk or sugar is your choice.

6. Cloves and pepper

Spiced coffee is a perfect drink for winters. Just add cloves, pepper, and cinnamon to your instant and ground coffee and grind and mix. Add water to it and let it simmer. Strain it, add milk of your choice and sugar or honey for a delicious cup of joe.

Try these tips to create a flavoursome coffee and do not forget to try pod flavour options if you love pod coffee.