Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Is your business prepared for the next disaster?

 All businesses take up precautions against financial threats and save for emergencies. For instance, a decrease in cash flow or, in case of expansion, you need to be prepared.

But there is one thing that most businesses overlook, and that is a disaster. Natural disasters, a pandemic, political and economical changes, or technological changes, all can create problems for our businesses.

All this can affect a business extremely and can end up making the financial situation weak.

Taking into account these disasters by learning from past examples can help us prepare for any emergencies. It can aid a business to have a contingency plan for the business, and the people to keep it up and running.

So, in this blog, we will explore how to prepare your business from some of the common disasters. It never matters, where the disaster happens, it can affect you, so being prepared is imperative.

1.     Damages from the wildfires The wildfires that originate in California are a threat to all businesses, whether you are local to that area or not. Even if your workshop is there, you can suffer tremendous loss. Also, as we can see from the pattern, these wildfires keep on happening every year. All the places that see wildfires, need to take precaution, like:

  • Know the wildfire season of your region

  • Create a defensible space which means having space that you can work for you in case a fire starts there. The layout should be such that firefighters have a place to move in if they need to.

  • Keep your documents save by digitizing them

  • Contact and let the customers know that your business is prepared for the wildfires.

2.     Pandemic We are currently living with an ongoing pandemic, and almost all businesses were unprepared for it. So, take measures like:

  • Partner up with a collection agency in Washington DC to recover the debt in a pandemic as you need smooth cash flow as well.

  • Have a contingency plan

  • Use social media to promote your business and have another way to make deliveries to customers.

3.     Hurricanes Hurricanes have become a yearly thing. A lot of cities and costs around the world are seeing more than one hurricane a year. It dramatically affects a business and how they operate. Tips:

  • Keep tabs on the weather report

  • Have a plan in place to evacuate people or keep them inside safely.

  • Keep fuel level up and stock up on batteries and emergency things, like food and so on.

4.     Technological change Technologies become obsolete, and it can affect your business greatly. The streaming services put video rental services out of a job. So, planning for the future and having a back-up plan is necessary. Tips:

  • Keep an eye out for new technologies

  • Include employees in the decision regarding upgrading to new technology 

  • Accept the fact that your business is becoming obsolete, and do something about it

So, partner up with a collection agency in Washington DC now. It is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for any situation. They don’t help just with collecting debt, they can change the way you work through your finances also.

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