Monday, September 28, 2020

7 eco-friendly alternatives for everyday used items

Extreme weather, climate change, melting glaciers, rising sea levels are few of the warning signs of global warming. These signs are unignorable. 

Global warming is the outcome of the reckless behavior of us humans. The main culprit of global warming is the careless burning of fossil fuels. 

We need to get aware of the fact that our living condition is deteriorating day by day. Some strict action has to be taken before it gets too late. 

Even small steps like replacing everyday used items with more eco-friendly choices can bring a big change. Each one of us can lend a hand in bringing change. 

Here I have listed 10 alternatives for the items we use every day. 

1. Stainless steel plastic bottles instead of disposable plastic bottles-

Instead of using and throwing plastic bottles, one can carry stainless steel or plastic water bottles. This will not only help in reducing plastic waste but will also help in saving the environment. 

2. Wooden/bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic toothbrush-

A toothbrush has become part of our primary needs. But most of the toothbrushes present in the market are made up of plastic. 

Plastic is quite harmful to the environment. It takes millions of years to decompose. Burning it also releases toxic and harmful gases into the environment.

Opting for toothbrushes made up of wood or bamboo can significantly help the environment by reducing plastic waste.

3. Recyclable cloth bag instead of polythene bags-

Most varieties of polythene bags are made for one-time use. A significant part of landfills are files with these polythene bags. 

Recyclable cloth bags can come quite handy. We can use them again and again without harming the environment. 

4. Wooden sunglasses instead of plastic sunglasses-

Step up your fashion game by wearing stylish wooden sunglasses. You will not only look stylish but you will also feel proud for lending a hand in conserving the environment. 

5. Paper straws instead of plastic straws- 

Paper straws are more harmful and damaging to the environment than we believe them to be, especially for sea life. Fishes and other water creatures consume them and die. 

One can lend a hand in conserving the environment by pledging to use recyclable straws in place of plastic ones. 

6. Wearing clothes made up of recyclable fabric instead of polyester or nylon-

Opting for clothes made up of sustainable fabrics such as cotton or wool can largely reduce the number of clothes dumped in landfills. One can also choose to wear a second hand or used clothes.

7. Using biodegradable coffee pods instead of regular ones-

Coffee has become a major part of our everyday life. For some of us, the day doesn’t begin without a large mug of coffee. By choosing biodegradable coffee pods instead of regular coffee pods we can reduce our carbon footprint.

Adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle has become the need of the hour. We have to conserve the environment not only for us but also for the coming generations. 

Is it time to move over from traditional business card? Reasons to use digital business card

Due to coronavirus, a lot of changes will become prominent in the coming days. One such change is using digital business cards instead of a paper business card. As we all are maintaining our distance, no one would feel comfortable touching a card that may or may not have germs. This gives a hefty rise in people choosing a digital business card for their business.

Another thing that makes smart business cards in demand is the fact that you can send it online. With social distancing becoming normal and meeting still happening over zoom or skype, you need a tool to send your information. A digital business card works perfectly as it can hold a lot more information than a paper business card.

Here are some more reasons why you need a digital business card for your business.

1. They don’t have germs

The pandemic has sent everyone’s inner germ radar on alert. No one wants to touch a surface that they haven’t cleaned themselves. Neither does they want to shake hands with people because we don’t know where they have been to.

We all have become germaphobic. Thus, taking a paper business card is out of the question. People would prefer a digital business card; no contact means no germs!

2.     It saves money

A digital business card saves money because often the tool or website that you use to create one is free. Moreover, when you need to make changes, a paper card will require re-printing requiring tons of money.

But that is not the case with a digital business card. You only need to make the changes digitally so the only resource you would need is time.

3. Sharing digital business cards is easy

To share a digital business card, you don’t have to meet people or be physically present in the same room. All you need is an app to send the card from a safe distance. Even better, you can send the digital card via text or attach it to your email and more.

It is completely safe and provides a great way for people to save your contact and use them when needed.

4. It is better for the environment

To create a paper business card, lots of trees are cut. With new design and demand for high-quality paper, it does harm the environment a lot. There are no such issues with using a digital business card.

So, now that you know how beneficial these cards are, here are the main things that you need to include in it:

  • Name: Include the name that you go by.

  • Title: The current business title that you have in your firm is the one you need to put on it.

  • Company: Name of the company you are working for, or the previous firm’s name if looking for a job.

  • Address and phone number: Current details which work

  • Email: A professional email id that you use

  • Links: To your website or blog. Include social media links as well.

Be safe with digital business cards.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Know everything about debt collection agencies


A person who has a debt has many questions regarding the collection process, the collection agency in San Francisco and about the rules, and more. Most types of debts and all debtors are protected against fraud and harassment under the fair debt collection and protection act. No reputable debt collection agency disregards these laws because they want to protect the debtor as well as the reputation of the creditor.

Yet, there can be some scammers or a dirty debt collector ruining the name of the whole industry. Even if that is not the case, a debtor should know all about this industry and the collection process.

Let’s begin…

The FDCPA covers which types of debt?

The FDCPA covers debts like household, personal, and family debt. Also, this act safeguards debtors with a credit card debt, outstanding medical and auto loan bill, and mortgage.

It doesn’t cover debt taken to run a business. Other acts have rules regarding collection in this industry though.

What is the policy on a debt collector contacting a debtor?

 A debt collection agency in San Francisco can contact you in an allotted period only. No collector has the right to contact you before 8 am or after 9 pm. A collector can call your phone or your landline or your office (as per the information you provided). It is legal for them to find alternative and office numbers to establish contact with you. Also, they can mail you or text you to communicate about the debt.

But if you prefer that they don’t call your office, you have to tell them so orally or in writing. They will stop calling at your workplace. Though, it doesn’t make the debt go away.

Can a collector lie about their identity?

No, it is legally punishable if a debt collector lies to you about their identity or intention. They have to introduce themselves, tell you the name of the agency, and the creditor on whose behalf you are collecting the debt.

How can a debtor stop a collector from contacting them again?

It is a bad idea because it doesn’t make the debt goes away. Neither does it solve your issues. If you think that the debt doesn’t belong to you, ask the collector to send you documents showing it belongs to you. That is a simple process as you have to send a written letter asking for validation of the debt.

If you still wish to cease any contact with the debtor, send a letter with a reputable post, and they will cease all communication, till a next collector takes over, or the creditor files a lawsuit.

What things classify as harassment?

If a debt collector undertakes any of these practices, it comes under harassment:

  • Threats oral or physical
  • Disclose about the debt to the general public
  • Continuous calls even after the debtor have asked not to
  • Lying about their identity
  • Distorting the information about the amount that you owe
  • Ask you to give details about your bank
  • Coming with more than ten people to your house
  • Threatening to file a lawsuit.

The above rules will protect a debtor and will help a collection agency be ethical. Knowledge is power, so know what you got yourself into if you have a collection on hands.

Best tips to market your debt collection company

 It is challenging to have a marketing strategy in place for any business. To figure out your target market and promote your services is never easy. But for the debt collection industry, marketing is even more challenging.

First,  they have a lot of bad reputation because no one likes it when people ask them to pay. Secondly, scammers and frauds make it hard for people to look at the positive aspect of this industry. However, that is what is the goal of a debt collection agency in San Francisco. The marketing team or if they are outsourcing the marketing has to work twice as hard to ensure that they get their services in front of the right audience. Moreover, they have to ensure that they bring more positive stories forward so that people stop believing the myths and negative rumors of this business.

Let’s see how you can market your San Francisco collection agency.

1. Try to create a good first impression The first tip is simple, make a good first impression. No matter where you are meeting your prospects, on the internet, or through the physical meeting, work on how you present yourself and your business.

As a collector, you have to rally in and prove why a business would need the help of a collector and why you are the best person for them.

2.     Attend events and conferences One of the best ways to find clients and create networks is to attend industry events and conferences. At a conference, you meet thousands of people, and it may provide you with a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with some of them.

Sometimes, moments like these do not present themselves at meetings or so on. Thus, don’t skip all of the industry events and conferences.

3. Promote your new technology If you are using a technology that most people in the industry are not using, promote it. It aids you in getting more clients and prospects because everything that makes you unique is the one thing that can help you get more work.

It shows that you are not afraid to embrace new things to make your collection process more user-friendly.

4. Certifications It is best to show a certificate and license to your prospects as it is the best way to show that your collection process is legal. Also, go a step further and get reviews and testimonials from your previous clients and put them on your website and Google page.

5. Have a website All businesses require a website. It is one platform where your client gets information related to your business, client’s testimonials, industry norms, price models, and so on.

It is also a platform where the business can create a page to make making payments on debt easy for a delinquent.

One last tip is to have a presence on social media as everyone uses that. You are doing legal business and as long as you are authentic and follow an ethical code, you are not doing anything wrong. Try to find your footing so that marketing becomes easy for you as all agencies have different marketing needs. So, there is no one size fit solution, but these tips can work for you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

A guide to getting out a student loan from collections

It is unfortunate that to get a higher education, we have to pay so much money. Almost all students in the world are under massive student debts, which they continue to pay for a long time. Since it is a huge amount, you cannot pay it in full. But instead, you have to pay a specific amount every month.

Unfortunately, if you default on that payment, and it's been over 300 days, your account goes to collection. It means that the creditor has partnered up with a collection agency in Washington DC to recover the money. Now, it’s the job of the collector to take immediate and full payment from you.

The situation sounds and looks dire, and it is, to some extent. But you can bounce back and get your loan out from collections.

Here are some ways to do that.

1. Confirm that the debt is yours

The first step towards getting your debt out of the collection is to confirm that it belongs to you. A lot of times, it happens that the service provider sends out your account to the collection by mistake. Or it could be possible that someone else took a loan and their names match yours, so the confusion or so on. If you don’t think it is your account and that you still have time to pay the debt, then do not move forward unless you confirm it with the collectors.

A collector will send you all the details about the debt. If you find that the details match yours, pay it. If not, then you have to dispute the debt with the provider and all the credit agencies that your state/country has.

2. Try settling the debt

Once you are sure that the debt is yours, you can talk to the creditor/collector to settle it. If you default on federal/private student loans, settling the debt is a great way to get out of it.

In this, you have the freedom to discuss your options with the collector or the creditor. You can ask for a settlement. It means that you will pay the full amount either in lump-sum if they agree to take a less amount. In this scenario, having enough cash in hands is imperative.

3. Rehabilitation

Loan rehabilitation means that you will be paying nine consecutive payments without fail. After this, the education body will adjust the monthly payments to our income.

This option is available to you only if you have a federal loan.

Another thing that you can do is consolidate your debt. In this, you get to pay a specific amount for three months, and after that, you get back to your monthly plan. It is an easy way to pay the debt as the amount that you have to pay is something that you can decide on.

4. Pay the debt

It is not impossible, especially if you defaulted when you didn’t have much to pay. Ask for loans from friends or family. Or try to cut back on your budget and increase your savings to pay the debt. You can take up a side hustle that pays well, like freelancing content writing or babysitting, or anything that fits into your schedule.

Don’t panic! Keep a level head and work with the collectors and creditors to reach a mutual solution.

Is your business prepared for the next disaster?

 All businesses take up precautions against financial threats and save for emergencies. For instance, a decrease in cash flow or, in case of expansion, you need to be prepared.

But there is one thing that most businesses overlook, and that is a disaster. Natural disasters, a pandemic, political and economical changes, or technological changes, all can create problems for our businesses.

All this can affect a business extremely and can end up making the financial situation weak.

Taking into account these disasters by learning from past examples can help us prepare for any emergencies. It can aid a business to have a contingency plan for the business, and the people to keep it up and running.

So, in this blog, we will explore how to prepare your business from some of the common disasters. It never matters, where the disaster happens, it can affect you, so being prepared is imperative.

1.     Damages from the wildfires The wildfires that originate in California are a threat to all businesses, whether you are local to that area or not. Even if your workshop is there, you can suffer tremendous loss. Also, as we can see from the pattern, these wildfires keep on happening every year. All the places that see wildfires, need to take precaution, like:

  • Know the wildfire season of your region

  • Create a defensible space which means having space that you can work for you in case a fire starts there. The layout should be such that firefighters have a place to move in if they need to.

  • Keep your documents save by digitizing them

  • Contact and let the customers know that your business is prepared for the wildfires.

2.     Pandemic We are currently living with an ongoing pandemic, and almost all businesses were unprepared for it. So, take measures like:

  • Partner up with a collection agency in Washington DC to recover the debt in a pandemic as you need smooth cash flow as well.

  • Have a contingency plan

  • Use social media to promote your business and have another way to make deliveries to customers.

3.     Hurricanes Hurricanes have become a yearly thing. A lot of cities and costs around the world are seeing more than one hurricane a year. It dramatically affects a business and how they operate. Tips:

  • Keep tabs on the weather report

  • Have a plan in place to evacuate people or keep them inside safely.

  • Keep fuel level up and stock up on batteries and emergency things, like food and so on.

4.     Technological change Technologies become obsolete, and it can affect your business greatly. The streaming services put video rental services out of a job. So, planning for the future and having a back-up plan is necessary. Tips:

  • Keep an eye out for new technologies

  • Include employees in the decision regarding upgrading to new technology 

  • Accept the fact that your business is becoming obsolete, and do something about it

So, partner up with a collection agency in Washington DC now. It is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for any situation. They don’t help just with collecting debt, they can change the way you work through your finances also.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Is a debt collection agency only good for recovering debt?

The debt collection business is the focal point of tons of myths. But the two commonest myths that everyone hears are: Debt collectors harass people, and secondly, it only aids in collecting outstanding bills. It is not true they are just myths. A debt collection agency in Atlanta never harasses the debtor. They work under laws and follow personal ethical codes while collecting a debt. A collector is sympathetic towards the debtor and ensures that the delinquent can pay the debt by creating a payment plan for them.

Furthermore, a debt collection agent can help a business beyond collecting a debt. How? Let’s find out below.

1. It helps them build a connection

A collection agency looks towards building a relationship with both the creditor and the debtor. They look at the internal collection process of a business to understand the reason for non-payment, the existing relationship between the client-customer, how many times have you communicated with the debtor, and more.

When you have answers to all these questions, and you look up the debtor and their finances a bit more, it helps you proceed with caution.

This caution helps you build a connection that leads to recovering the debt. Another thing to keep in mind for building a connection is to find the common ground. That will help you start a conversation with the delinquent with ease.

2. It preserves a business relationship with the client

 No customer or client of yours would like to become your debtors. They also want to pay you on time unless you are dealing with a customer who doesn’t care about paying. Therefore, how you react in this situation is incumbent on your relationship with the client.

You would like to continue doing business with the debtor, especially if their delinquency is due to some financial trouble, like being laid off. But if any of your staff who doesn't have experience in collecting debt talks to them unprofessionally, it can lead to troubles.

Thus, hire an Atlanta collection agency because they know how to deal with such situations. They use a diplomatic approach and remain calm throughout the procedure. It gives confidence to the debtor, which helps with successful recovery.

3. Making sure the delinquency doesn’t happen again

 Now, even if you recover the debt amount this time, how do you know that the client won’t repeat the delinquency? The simple answer is preserving the relationship. When a collection firm protects your relationship while ensuring that you get paid on time, it solves the issues. It opens a line of communication which makes it easy for all parties involved to ensure such delinquencies never happen again.

4. Keeps you out of legal troubles

Most debt collection firms provide you with an insurance scheme. It makes sure that if a debtor sues you, the business would not have to pay any legal fee. The bearer of this fee is the collection agency.

Moreover, if a business decides to sue the debtor, the collection firm has all documents which can help you win the case.

Stop believing myths and if you need a collection agency, contact Cedar Financial ASAP.

5 signs that hiring a collection agency is necessary for a business


All businesses find themselves in a situation when their clients or customers:
  • Don’t pay them on time
  • Refuses to pay
  • Are unreachable 
Now, in these situations, a business starts the internal debt collection process. They send payment reminders, ask the debtor the reason for non-payment, and try to work with them to recover the debt.

 But sometimes, unfortunately, your internal collection process is not enough. After a while, the business has to hire a collection agency in Los Angeles. What makes them do so? Well, the answer is below. 

Reasons why you would need to hire a collection firm in Los Angeles.

1. Insufficient resources 

When a business finds itself with debt or debts, they start their internal collection process. It takes a toll on their man-power and cash flow. After some time, if the result is not in their favor, they need to hire a collection firm. It's because a person who is dealing with the collector may not have enough collection skills or knowledge about the laws.

Also, if your business doesn’t have a debt collection department, the person working on the accounts will not be able to do his actual work. That affects the working of all businesses. So, hire a collector and let your people work on other aspects of the business.

2. Overdue debt

 If the debt is overdue for a long time, it is best to hire a collector. They have a better chance of recovering the debt instead of your people. Moreover, when you wait a long time for passing the debt to a collector, you are decreasing the recovery rate 

So, monitor your accounts receivables and if the amount is too much, hire a collection firm in LA right away. 

3. The internal collection process didn’t provide any results

If your internal collection department failed to recover the money for any reason, it is best to hire a collector.

 They have better chances because when you send a debt to the collection, it decreases the credit score of a debtor. Also, a collector knows how to listen to the delinquent and work with them to recover the debt. 

4. Not able to contact the customers 

A lot of times, you find that the customer is unreachable. Either they don’t respond to your communication attempts. Or they seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. 

In both of these cases, writing the debt off may seem like your only choice. But it is not! A debt collector has means and skills to trace debtors who no one else can. Hiring one can lead to you recovering your debt, so act fast. 

5. Continuous excuse 

A customer who is continuously providing you with excuses for not paying the debt is not going to pay unless you hire a professional. They help them understand the consequences of not paying a debt, like bad credit score or problems with securing a future loan, and so on. 

Their experience and knowledge about debt collection help them convince a delinquent to pay so that they don’t suffer negative consequences.

 Acting fast in the face of adversity is imperative. If you have a debt or multiple debts, don’t wait too long to start a collection process or hire a collector. A delay of even a day can make an immense difference.

Is hiring a debt collection agency effective?

There is no easy way to say this, but collecting outstanding amounts sucks! When you have a customer who is not paying, it is not a simple journey collecting it. Delinquency happens only when a customer has no intention of repaying the money, or they are in a financial crux, or they forget to pay. All of these reasons don’t make it easy for you to recover the debt.

When this happens, there are two options with a collector. One- internal collection process or two-hire a New York collection agency. There is a third option too, but that involves court and lawsuit, which is expensive and not great for a client relationship.

Hiring a collection agency in NY is the best course of direction. But most of the time, a business is afraid of hiring a collector. It is because they are not sure of the effectiveness of a debt collection agency. So, the main question is- Are collection agencies effective for a business?

The short answer is yes, they are! A collector has the experience, knowledge of the laws, and techniques which makes it easier for them to recover outstanding debts. Therefore, if your business is facing multiple debts or a decreasing cash flow due to piling debts, hire a collection agency now.

Here are some more reasons why they are effective, and why you should hire a collection firm, like Cedar financial at the earliest.

1. It is hard to collect an old debt If you wait too long to hire a collection agency in NY, you decrease the chance of recovering the amount. Sure, a collector would be able to recover a minor percent of the total amount. But that would not justify the time and resources spent.

Thus, it is better to hire the collector at the first sign of delinquency or after a few days of not getting any response from the debtor.

2. A collection agency has resources and contacts

If your client lives in another state or has flown to another country, you will find it challenging to collect the debt. The rules and laws vary, and you may also not know where the non-paying client is.

But a collection firm has all the resources. They can use skip tracing methods or comb through their social media profile to figure out where the debtor is.

Also, when you have international clients, opt for a global debt collection agency in New York. They have branches in many cities or have contacts that can help you recover the money.

3. Superior training

A debt collection firm has tons of training and knowledge when it comes to collection. They are in the business of collecting money from delinquents who are sometimes hard-core criminals. So, with training, technique, and knowledge on their side, they have a higher chance of recovering the debt.

These three points explain the effectiveness of a debt collection agency well. The best part about hiring a collector is that they listen to the debtor and understand their situation. Only after assessing the situation completely, do they proceed further. They help them out, treat them with respect, which makes a delinquent work better with a collecting agent.

Friday, September 11, 2020

4 best way to brew a coffee while on camping- easy and effective


Camping is relaxing, adventurous, and an experience in itself. The calm that you experience away from the hustle and bustle of busy hectic life is always welcomed.

Waking up every morning during camping to an amazing view and nature is incomplete without the aroma of fresh brewing coffee. Every coffee addict will agree that ‘waking up before you have a cup of coffee can be dangerous to the person who wakes you up’. But you cannot carry a coffee-maker with you as it takes space and you need to pack light-weight things while going camping. So, how to have coffee in the wilds, here are some ways you can save the day.

4 best ways to brew a coffee while on camping- easy and effective.

1. Coffee pods and a travel mug (pour over)

Invest in some coffee pods, there are Nespresso compatible pods that you can use to make instant coffee. You don’t always need a coffee pod machine to make coffee using pods.

  • All you need is hot water, which you can boil over a camping fire.

  • Next, use the pod and keep it in the pour-over travel mug or a cup, and then pour hot water over it.

  • The coffee is ready. If you have milk or sugar or cream packets with you, you can add it to the mug as well and mix well.

Also, you can use instant coffee, if you wish. But pods are biodegradable, and they remain fresh.

2. Collapsible pour-over coffee maker

You can invest in a collapsible pour-over coffee maker. It is light-weight and easy to carry. Also, the taste and make of the coffee is the same as any other method.

  • To make the coffee: you will need to boil water in a separate utensil. Then open the silicone mold of the maker, and put filter and ground coffee in it.

  • Next, pour over the hot water and let it sit for a while.

  • Pour water slowly to let it foam.

  • Also, when you have the coffee, take out the filter, rinse it, dry it, and fold it for reuse.

3.      French press

A French press machine is easy to carry and is lightweight as well. Moreover, there are new models in the market that have more features that can help you in the wild.

  • The latest models of French press allow you to boil water and make coffee with milk in one equipment only.

  • Also, you don’t have to worry about filters, add your coffee grounds and water, and let the machine do its magic.

  • Keep in mind that if you don’t have a plugin your campsite or tent, this method won’t work.

4. Percolators

Percolators are perfect for people who like to drink espresso or something other than drip coffee. You can buy it as it works well for home use also. Though the problem with it is that you cannot use it for anything else, and it can be a challenge to pack it. To use it:

  • In the bottom chamber of a percolator, fill water

  • Next, in the middle chamber, fill coffee grounds, and place it over water.

  • Close the top chamber.

  • Now, place it over stove-top or flames in the wild

With these methods, you will never be without coffee even while camping.