Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Delicious Summer Coffee Drinks You Have to Try

There are a variety of cold coffee drinks you must try in the summers. These are very delicious and can make your day. In the summers, you always are in search of cold drinks. The cold coffee variety can help you to feel relaxed during the hot summer season.

Here is the list of some summer coffee drinks, you can find the one according to your want:

Bubbled ice coffee

This is the most fun coffee drink. For this, you would need boba pearls and iced coffee. Boba pearls can be easily found online and according to the directions make the boba and pour the iced coffee on top. You would only require 10 minutes to prepare this and is also very simple. If you want to make your coffee drink sweetened, add syrup by dissolving sugar in an equal part of the water.

Chocolate coffee smoothie

A healthy way to start your day is by including this chocolate coffee smoothie drink in your morning schedule. You can make this in the following way:

  • Take 2 tsp of homemade chocolate syrup
  • Take 1 tsp of hemp seeds
  • Take 8 ounces of almond milk
  • Take 2 tsp of homemade cold brew concentrate
  • Ice it round to 12 ounces

You can make chocolate syrup at your home in a very easy way and would never buy it from the market. For this, Take a small saucepan, stir ⅔ cup of water, ⅓ cup of cocoa powder, ½ cup sugar over medium heat. Stir 1 tsp of vanilla extract and keep it in the fridge.

Iced Dirty Chai

The iced dirty chai is cold and creamy and spicy and sweet. You would surely love this drink. To prepare the iced dirty chai, do the following:

  • Take 2tsp of ground coffee
  • Mix it with 9 ounces of hot water
  • Stir it and then stir again after 30 seconds
  • After 1 ½ minute pour the mixture into a pour-over cone over a vessel.
  • In this way base of iced coffee is prepared.
  • Add 10 grams of chai spice in it.
  • Pour your coffee over 2-3 tsp of sugar and stir to dissolve before adding ice.
  • Top with plant-based milk you are good to go.

Cold-brewed coffee

This coffee is brewed without hot water, i.e. with cold water. You can buy the cold brew in many different forms or you can also make the one at your home. By following the instructions below you can prepare it:

  • Take the ratio of ⅓ coarse ground coffee: ⅔ cup cold filtered water in the mason jar.
  • Shake it properly and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • Again shake it well and store it in the fridge for 12-18 hours.
  • Before straining it, first, pour it through a fine-mesh strainer, then run it through a coffee filter.
  • Now your cold brew concentrate is ready.
  • Use 2 tsp per 12 ounces. You can mix it with cold water, milk, or hot water.

These were the few options to try out in the hot summer if you want to try a different flavor of the coffee. You can even buy flavored coffee pods and give your traditional coffee a different flavor.

Try these and I am sure you would love these.

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